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But much as I loathe war and all its horrors, I seem to feel di¤erently about this war than I did concerning the World War of 1917. It was not diªcult to justify one’s opposition to the World War. It was evident that the struggle, started in 1914, was simply an imperialistic war in which the various nations engaged were seeking more power, colonies, and resources. The slogan of the last war that this was a battle “to save the world for democracy” was a fake and a delusion. But now I feel that there are real issues at stake in this war—that liberty and human freedom, heritages that are precious to Americans, that even civilization itself are at stake in the outcome of this conXict, and that the world may be returned to barbarism and slavery if the mad forces now loose in the world are not stopped and exterminated. And then I begin to ask myself: How can a person who has been raised on concepts of liberty, freedom, and human dignity be indi¤erent and neutral when the rights of free peoples are being challenged by forces that are seeking to smash democracy and all it stands for?” I start from the premise that Adolph Hitler is the greatest menace to free institutions and human freedom in the world today. He has expressed his contempt for democracy time and time again, and he is now engaged in a worldwide attempt to smash democracy and substitute the totalitarian concept of government under which human liberty and freedom are suppressed. Hitler is drunk with power and he continues from one aggression to another. All of Europe lives in dread of this monster Machiavelli, and small nations live in consternation because of the fear that they will be next as he proceeds to the dismemberment of one nation after another. The world is in a continual state of crisis because of the aggressions of Hitler and the gang of Nazi warlords surrounding him, and it is evident to everyone that there can be no peace in the world until Hitler and all he stands for are smashed. It must be admitted that the person to whom the principles of democracy are precious and dear cannot be indi¤erent to the continued and progressive enslavement of peoples brought on by these totalitarian warlords. Let Me In on the Kill Milton Mayer october 14, 1946 I see by the papers that you are going to hang the Nazi war criminals unless, after communing with the God of Love, you decide that hanging is too good for them. I have a stake in this matter. I have been personally o¤ended by these Enemies of Humanity (as the Czar Alexander called the French in 1812). These Nazi Beasts o¤ended me in several respects. Because of them, most of my fellow Jews, who had never been bothered by anybody before, were tortured. Because of them, some of my dearest friends lost their lives. Because of them, no end of my attractive acquaintances Mayer / Let Me In on the Kill 303 lost their wives while no end of my obnoxious acquaintances got rich. Because of them I was, myself, slurred as a defeatist and appeaser and almost, but not quite, sent to jail. Because of them my taxes are high, my income is low, and my babies are meatless. I respectfully request an opportunity to participate personally in the punishment of the Devil. It was all right for Job to forgive his fallen foe—and to ask God’s consideration on that single count—but as for me, I am only human, and my patience is exhausted. I want to drink blood. Mulled, with cloves. Let me in, at least to slaver and drool. And consider my application for a pound of Nazi hamburger. You know, dear Allied Control Council, how I hated the Nazis. I hated them even before they were Nazis; even before, if you will pardon my impudence, you did. I hated them when they sent Gene Debs to jail—and that is going back some. And when they cruciWed Isaiah and Socrates and Jesus—and that is really going back some. My vengeance is overdue. In the new triumph of international justice—hailed by all humanitarians everywhere —you generals are the court of last appeal. The fact that you are at one and the same time generals and the court of last appeal is itself proof...
