In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), 7, 12, 14, 164, 281n4, 282n10 acara, 21; communitas at, 171–72, 174, 206, 208, 226–27; corporate sponsorship of, 182, 183, 214, 219, 233; dancing at, 221, 222–25, 234–36 (see also joget); definition of (vs. “concerts”), 182; emcees at, 182–83, 222; gender roles at, 183,222–25;hierarchyofperformers in, 216; hybridity of, 183, 185– 86, 188–89, 244–46; identity formation in, 174–76, 183, 227, 234, 244–46; inclusiveness of, 175, 218, 234, 244–46; languages used at, 187–88; metacultureof,215–16,244– 46; student-organized, 214–25, 215; televisual elements of, 185–86, 219; underground,21,226–27,231–36.See also award shows; dangdut concerts album liner notes, 228–31, 285n10, 297n1 alcohol consumption, 199, 201 Amanda and Anggie, 111–12, 113 Amrik, 146–49, 248–49 anak jalanan, 149, 179, 180, 245, 297n3 Anderson, Benedict, 4, 43, 175, 228, 231, 254, 255, 258, 284n7, 291n2, 294–95n2 Andy Atis (Manuhutu), 110–14, 261, 290n9, 290n10 Ang, Ien, 249, 258, 294n11 anthropology (of music), 92, 262–64 Appadurai, Arjun, 4, 248, 252, 281n3, 282n5 Aquarius (music store), 80–83, 288nn8–9 Ari Lasso, 213 Asep Irama, 101 Atma Jaya University, 11, 69, 70, 136, 220 award shows, 133, 164, 186–89 Badjuridoellahjoestro, 177–78, 294–95n2 BagusDhanarDhana,131,136,260,291n6 bahasa Betawi, 271–72 bahasa gaul, 142, 274–75, 292n2 bahasa Prokem, 273, 275–76 Bakhtin, Mikhail M., 48, 63, 256 Balinese music, 114–18, 290n11. See also gamelan; kendang Bandung, 7, 86, 276 Batavia. See Jakarta Baulch, Emma, 36, 73, 227, 248 Beastie Boys, The, 220, 291n5 Beatles, The, 28, 29, 31, 148 “Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature” theme park, 124, 125, 126–27, 128, 129 Beazley, Harriot, 160–61, 179 begadang, 150–51, 155, 164 “Begadang” (song), 150–51, 155 “Begadang II” (song), 140, 153–54 belagu, 156, 167 315  Since Indonesian nomenclature does not always follow the same rules as those used in the Western world, for the sake of convenience all Indonesian personal names, even those that include Western-sounding first names, are alphabetized here by the first word. A few select names have been listed in two places, under both the first and last elements (for example, B. J. Habibie appears both as“B.J.Habibie”and as“Habibie,B.J.”).Names beginning with the honorific“Pak,” however, are alphabetized by the second word. An italicized page number indicates a picture, while a page number followed by the letter “t” indicates a table. “CD” as a reference locator is used to identify artists and song titles that are featured on the accompanying compact disc. Benino “Nino” Aspiranta, 232 Berger, Harris, 174, 258, 281n2 B. J. Habibie, 7, 11–12, 163 Björk, 290n7 black metal, 118 Blok M, 80, 143, 179, 199, 229 Bourdieu, Pierre, 67–68, 69 Breese, Gerald, 47 Brenner, Suzanne, 203 Bruner, Edward, 128–29, 224, 246 “Bujangan” (song), 155 “Bunuh Diri” (song), CD cafés, 210–11, 213 “Cahaya Bulan” (song), 130–37, 132, 137, 292n7 campur sari, 35, 238, 250, 268, 283n5 Candra Darusman, 267, 287n5, 288n6 Capwell, Charles, 283n3 carnivals, 59–60, 133 cassette retail outlets, 19; at acara, 220; categorization of music in, 81t, 82t, 89–90, 269; as ethnographic sites, 67, 287n1; large stores, 80–83; in malls, 78–80, 79; playback devices in, 78, 80, 288n8; top sellers at, 83t, 288n9; for underground music, 85–87; vendor carts, 84, 84–85; warungkaset, 51, 77–78, 80; Western music in, 77, 79– 80, 86, 89–90; xenocentric arrangement of, 69, 79–80, 89–90, 114 cassettes: availability of, 15–16, 78; cost of, 29, 74, 261, 270, 287n4, 288n6; demo tapes, 101; impact on music industry, 15–16; liner notes, 228–31; production of, 74; tax on, 85, 288n9 Cecep, Pak, 93–98, 94, 103 cengkok, 129, 160. See also dangdut, vocals in Cherry Bombshell, 291–92n7 children’s music. See pop anak-anak Chow, Rey, 122 Christianity,111–12,228,269,283n4,290n9 “Cinta Hanya Sekali” (song), 124–30, 125, 128, 129, 157, 291n3, CD “Cinta Teriolasi” (song), 107, 120, 296n5, CD class difference: and gender, 224–25; in music consumption, 73–74, 121, 243; and nationalism, 252; performance of, 21, 188; in speech, 64; transcendence of, 166–67, 175, 253–54; “village /city” dichotomy, 52, 254. See also gengsi; social gap classical music (Western), 30 Cobain, Kurt, 79, 232 college life, 162–66, 214, 220–22, 240–41 compact discs, 74, 75...
