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319 Aceh, 225 Action Front for Crushing the September 30th Movement (Kap-Gestapu), 63, 196 Adjie, Ibrahim, 211, 215, 237–38 Agamben, Giorgio, 263n22 Aidit, Dipa Nusantara: as cabinet minister , 207; as director of Special Bureau , 41, 66–67, 82, 90, 93, 117, 121, 125–27, 131, 135–36, 138, 139–40, 143– 46, 150–52, 159–60, 174–75, 203–4, 209, 212, 216, 247, 254–55; execution of, 69, 74, 140, 279n35; faked confession of, 65, 88, 277n13; falling into army’s trap, 176–77, 193, 214; flight to Yogyakarta, 222–23, 258–59; at Halim airbase, 32, 42–43, 50, 60, 64, 81, 90, 152, 175, 219, 258–60; as leader of PKI, 21, 118, 120, 140, 147–54, 167, 174–75, 213, 215, 223, 260; reappearance in 1950, 125, 286n17; response to Algerian coup, 161–66; and revolution councils, 151, 166–67, 175, 213, 218–20, 252, 256; statements about movement to PKI leaders, 142–43, 147, 150, 213; and united front policy, 167–68, 170; weighing options, 142, 155–60, 209–11, 249–50, 291n39 air force, Indonesian (AURI), 19, 44–45, 48, 59, 99, 101, 112, 126, 130, 160, 181, 208, 210, 222, 230, 233, 235; Pasukan Pembela Pangkalan (Airbase Defense Troops), 256 Ajitorop, Jusuf, 147, 149, 290n23 Akutagawa, Ryunosuke, 20 Aleida, Martin, 126, 173, 289n47 Algeria, 161–65, 204 Algiers, 161, 163 Aliarcham Academy, 127, 168 Alimin, 62 Allison, John, 179 Anderson, Benedict, 22, 62, 65, 68–74, 81, 122, 135, 172–73, 203, 265n43, 273n20, 273n25 Angkatan Bersenjata, 184 Antara, 24 Anwas, 48, 109, 273n27 Arabian Nights, 137 Arbenz, Jacobo, 178 army, Indonesian: anticommunism of, 181–83, 186, 188, 205–7, 249, 300n7; Brawijaya division (East Java), 71; civic action, 183–84, 186–87, 192, 194; Diponegoro division (Central Java), 70–71, 84, 114, 214, 242; Information Department, 64; intelligence, 129– 30, 214; Kodam Jaya (Jakarta garrison ), 41, 45–47, 56, 101, 130, 215; and martial law, 184–85, 295n20; overthrowing Sukarno, 196–201; propaganda about the movement, 6, 24– 25, 28–29, 62–69, 80–81, 88, 106– 7, 175, 198–200, 224; repression of PKI, 4, 15–16, 22, 24, 193–96, 203; sabotaging Confrontation, 187–88; Seskoad (Sekolah Staf Komando Angkatan Darat), 186, 295n29; Siliwangi division (West Java), 71, 84, 95, 193, 215, 234, 237, 302n13; as state within a state, 177–78, 185–87; territorial warfare, 184; and U.S. aid, 182–84; waiting for a pretext, 176–78, 188–93, 208–9, 214. See also Battalion 328; Battalion 434; Battalion 530; Cakrabirawa; Kostrad; RPKAD Index Army Strategic Reserve Command. See Kostrad Ashari (Lieutenant Colonel), 55 Asia-Africa Conference, 134, 156, 161– 62, 165, 178 Asia-Africa Journalists Association (Persatuan Wartawan Asia-Afrika; PWAA), 156–57, 162 Asmu, 147 Atmodjo, Heru, 18, 38–42, 44–45, 48, 50, 88, 92, 109, 112–13, 134, 218, 227, 272n16, 281n65, 283n17, 301n11 Badiou, Alain, 11–12 Baghdad Pact, 142 Bakorstanas (Badan Koordinasi Bantuan Pemantapan Stabilitas Nasional ), 12 Ball, George, 15 Bandung, 46, 95, 134, 156, 186, 211, 228, 231, 234, 238 Bangkok, 188 Banjarmasin, 120 Banten, 122 Baperki (Badan Permusyawaratan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia), 18, 265n48 Barlian (Lieutenant Colonel), 179 Battalion 328, 57, 221 Battalion 454, 35, 37, 45, 56–57, 59–60, 65, 70, 100–101, 113–14, 222, 229, 231–32, 235, 239, 242, 251–52, 256–57, 302n19 Battalion 530, 35, 37, 45, 56–57, 65, 100– 101, 111, 114, 229–32, 235, 238, 240, 251–52, 256–57, 302n19 Ben Bella, Ahmed, 161, 163–66 Benjamin, Walter, 263n22 Benson, George, 184, 192, 291n31 Berita Yudha, 184 Biro Chusus. See Special Bureau Bismar, 287n36 Body for the Promotion of Sukarnoism, 206 Bono (Walujo), 42, 90, 121, 126, 128–30, 149–50, 152, 247, 250, 254 Borobudur, 8 Boumedienne (Colonel), 161–66, 175, 204, 213 Bourchier, David, 295n22 Boven Digul, 119, 285n2 BPI (Badan Pusat Intelijens), 129 Brackman, Arnold, 68 Brecht, Bertold, 114 Britain, 94, 142, 145, 187, 190, 194, 197, 209, 211 Brown, Colin, 7, 212 BTI (Barisan Tani Indonesia), 103, 119, 127 Bukittinggi, 181 Bundy, McGeorge, 264n34 Bundy, William, 15 Bungkus (Sergeant Major), 99, 272n13 Bunker, Ellsworth, 190–91 Bunnell, Frederick, 192 Cakrabirawa (palace guard), 35, 38, 41, 45, 52, 103, 170, 214, 216, 229, 232, 256, 271n7 Caltex, 197 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 63, 94, 171, 178; backing of PRRI/Permesta revolts, 168, 180–81; Jakarta station operations, 191–95, 198; report on the movement, 67–68, 189, 279n27 Chang Myon, 94 Chiang Kai-sek, 233 China...
