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4 Asinaria: The One about the Asses → PROLOGVS hoc ̣ ăgĭtĕ s ̣iuultis, s ̣pectat ̣ores, n ̣uncĭa ̣m, 1–126 senarii quaĕquĭd ̣em mĭh ̣i atquĕ u ̣obis r ̣es uert ̣at bĕn ̣e grĕgĭq ̣ue huic et d ̣ŏmĭnis ̣ atquĕ c ̣onduct ̣orĭb ̣us. {face n ̣uncĭa ̣m tu, p ̣raeco, omn ̣em aurit ̣um pŏp ̣lum. ăgĕ n ̣unc rĕs ̣ide, c ̣ăuĕ mŏd ̣o ne g ̣ratĭi ̣s.} 5 nunc q ̣uid proc ̣essĕr ̣im huc et q ̣uid mĭhĭ u ̣ŏlŭĕr ̣im, dic ̣am: ut scir ̣etis n ̣omen ̣ huius f ̣abŭl ̣ae. nam q ̣uŏd ăd arg ̣ument ̣um attĭn ̣et, san ̣e brĕu ̣e est. nunc q ̣uod me d ̣ixi u ̣ellĕ u ̣obis d ̣icĕr ̣e, dic ̣ám: | huic n ̣omen G ̣raece Ŏn ̣ago est f ̣abŭl ̣ae. 10 Dem ̣ ŏphĭlus s ̣cripsit, M ̣ accus u ̣ertit b ̣arbăr ̣e, Ăsĭn ̣arĭa ̣m uult ̣ essĕ, s ̣i per u ̣os lĭc ̣et. ĭn ̣est lĕp ̣os lud ̣usque in ̣ hac com ̣ oedĭa ̣, rid ̣ĭcŭlă r ̣es est. d ̣ătĕ bĕn ̣igne ŏpĕr ̣am mĭh ̣i ut u ̣os, ŭt ă ̣lĭas, p ̣ărĭter n ̣unc Mars ̣ adiŭu ̣et. → → → SERVVS CALLIDVS = LIBANVS + SENEX = PATER = DEMAENETVS LIB sic ̣ut tŭu ̣m uis ̣ unĭc ̣um nat ̣um tŭa ̣e 16 sŭpĕr ̣essĕ u ̣itae s ̣ospĭt ̣em et sŭp ̣erstĭt ̣em ĭtă t ̣ed obt ̣estor p ̣er sĕn ̣ectut ̣em tŭa ̣m, perq ̣ue illam, q ̣uam tu m ̣ ĕtŭĭs ̣, uxor ̣em tŭa ̣m, siq ̣uid med ̣ erga | h ̣ŏdĭe f ̣alsum d ̣ixĕr ̣is, 20 ut t ̣ĭbĭ sŭp ̣erstes ̣ uxor ̣ aetat ̣em sĭe ̣t atq ̣ue illa u ̣iua u ̣iuŭs ̣ ut pest ̣em oppĕt ̣as. DEM per D ̣īum F ̣ĭdĭum q ̣uaeris: i ̣urat ̣o mĭh ̣i uĭdĕo ̣ nĕc ̣esse ess ̣e elŏq ̣ui quidq ̣uid rŏg ̣es 24 proind ̣e actut ̣um istuc q ̣uid sit qu ̣od scir ̣e expĕt ̣is 27 el ̣ŏquĕre: ŭt ̣ ipsĕ s ̣cibo, t ̣e făcĭam u ̣t scĭa ̣s. LIB dic ̣ obsĕc ̣ro herclĕ s ̣erĭo ̣ quod t ̣e rŏg ̣em, căuĕ m ̣ ĭhĭ mend ̣aci q ̣uidquam. DEM q ̣uin tu erg ̣o rŏg ̣as? 30 LIB num m ̣ e illuc d ̣ucĭs ̣ ŭbĭ lăp ̣is lăpĭd ̣em tĕr ̣it? 31 ăpŭd f ̣ustĭtŭ ̣dĭnas, f ̣errĭc ̣rĕpĭnas ̣ insŭl ̣as, 34 ŭbĭ u ̣iuos ̣ hŏmĭnes m ̣ ortŭi i ̣ncurs ̣ant bŏu ̣es? 35 Asinaria: The One about the Asses 5 → THE PROLOGUE Do it, spectators, if you will. Act right here and now. 1–126: Hope this one’ll turn out well, for me and for all of you. spoken For the troupe here, their lordship producers, the agents. verse {Now you, Mr. p. a. man, make the whole nation all ears. SHHH! BRAY SILENCE! And now act . . . sitting down. Only, mind it’s not for free.} 5 Why did I step out here? What was it I was wanting? I shall say. For you to know the name of this play. As for the plot, see, it sure takes no time at all. Now as for saying I wanna have my say to you, I shall say. The play’s name in Greek is Conducteur des Ânes. 10 Demophilus wrote it. Clown Plautus put it in pidgin; wants it to be The One About Asses, if ok by you. In it there is wit, and there is fun, in this comedy. This one is a gas. Do give it up for me. Real fit. Then, hope is, Mars’ll back you. On a par with the past. → SLAVE: “THE BRAINS” = LIBANUS + SENIOR CITIZEN = FATHER = DEMAENETUS LIB So. As you will want for your one and only son 16 to outlive your lifetime, out of harm, outlasting, so be my witness, by your status of elder, and by that woman, the one that you fear, the wife, if this day, as regards me, you tell me anything false, 20 that said...
