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Locas / Fruitcakes 5 de atar A esta le sobró la mano fuerte y se desquita con una nena juiciosa que pide permiso para ir al cine. Se llama Manuelita. Usa una blusita de encaje los días feriados. El guardapolvo le queda planchado con solo ponérselo. Menos que nena parece una estaca. Todo hasta que llega al sótano de su pecado y con las otras baila que te baila olvidado de su teatro Manuelita la del aliento caliente y los calzoncillos de seda natural fabricados en Hong Kong. 188 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 14:17 GMT) 189 fit to be tied They let her have it too hard and now she gets back at a nerdy little girl who asks her permission to go to the movies. Manuelita they call her. Wears a lacy camisole on holidays and for school a uniform that looks ironed as soon as she puts it on her stiff body. Looks more like a stick than a girl. That is, until he gets to her own sinful bottom and dances on forgetting his playacting Manuelita of the hot breath and silk underwear imported directly from Hong Kong. con plata es otra cosa Había una vez tres mujeres que salieron a comprarse sobrinos. La feria estaba atestada de jóvenes postulantes con caras obsecuentes y uñas limpias pero ellas naturalmente busca que te busca encontraron tres con olor a sarro y zapatos demasiado brillosos. Hasta el día de hoy las cosas andan fenómeno porque a ellas les interesa sobre todo que les hagan masajes y les traigan noticias de la familia pero me palpito que cuando vean lo que Roque les trajo de regalo saldrán corriendo a reclamar que les devuelvan sus ahorros que les saquen de encima a estos cochinos vividores jóvenes sin respeto ni sentido de la ocasión. 190 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 14:17 GMT) 191 what you could do with money Once there were three women who went out to buy themselves some nephews. The fair was jammed with young prospects with obsequious faces and clean nails but of course the women kept looking and looking until they found three smelling of tartar and wearing unbearably shiny shoes. Until today everything went splendidly because what the women wanted most was for the boys to give them massages and bring them news of the family but I have a hunch that when the ladies see what Roque brought them as a present they’ll run out into the streets shouting that their savings be returned that someone get rid of those filthy pigs scheming disrespectful boys. una lástima, le hace falta un hombre que sepa cuánto vale homenaje secreto a D.E.B. Está en la sala de operaciones y anestesiada puede oír que el equipo de cirujanos especialmente reunido para estudiar su caso dice: nunca nunca hemos visto unas entrañas tan hermosas unos labios tan expresivos un hígado tan sutilmente configurado nunca nos ha tocado un aliento tan dulce se nota que es buena cocinera se nota que es un cuerpo hecho para el amor y extasiados siguen abriendo y buscando increíble ¿será posible que haya tenido hijos? ¿cómo si no hay rastros?  Ya les mostrará ya les dará su oportunidad cuando deban ayudarla a bajarse de la cama en el camisón color lila y las chinelas de raso estilo jean harlow. 192 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 14:17 GMT) 193 if only she had a guy to tell her how much she’s worth secret homage to D.E.B. She is in the operating room and under anesthesia she can hear the team of surgeons especially brought together to study her case say: never never have we seen such beautiful intestines such expressive lips a liver so subtly configured never has such a sweet breath touched us you can see she is a good cook you can see her body is made for love and in ecstasy they keep opening and searching incredible is it possible that she may have had children? how if there are no signs?    now she will show them now give them their chance when they have to help her get out of the bed wearing the lilac-colored robe and the ballet slippers jean harlow style. [] Project...
