In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

 Index agitation. See propaganda Aleksandr Nevskii (–, prince), , , , , , –, –, –, –n, n, n, , , , , , , . See also Battle on the Ice; Eisenstein All-Union Committee for Artistic Affairs (KDI), , , n, n, n, n, –, , , , , n, n, , , n, –, , n, –,  Angarov, A. I. (–, deputy chief of Kul’tprop), –, ,  anniversary. See commemoration atheism. See ideology avant-garde, , , n. See also modernism Bakhrushin, S. V. (–, historian), , , –, –n, n Battle of Kulikovo Field ( clash with Tatars), , , n. See also Dmitrii Donskoi Battle on the Ice ( clash with Teutonic Knights), –, , n, n, n, –, . See also Aleksandr Nevskii; Eisenstein Bednyi (Pridvorov), Dem’ian (–, poet), , , –, –, , , –, n, , , ; Epic Heroes, The, –, n, n, –, n, , , , n, –; “Get Down off the Hearth,” –; “Let’s Straighten It Out,” –; “On the Heroic,” –, n; “Pererva,” –; “Without Mercy,” – Belinskii, V. G. (–, social critic), , , , , n, n, n, n,  Blium, V. I. (theater critic), , , n, –. See also communist idealists Boiarskii (Shimshelevich, Ia. O.), Ia. I. (deputy chief of All-Union Committee on Artistic Affairs), , n, , , , n Borodin, A. P. (–, composer), , , , – Bukharin, N. I. (–, Old Bolshevik), ,  Bulgakov, M. A. (–, playwright ), n, , nn–, n, n, n, –, Bulgakov, M. A. (continued) n, , , –; Ivan Vasil’evich, –, n, , nn–, n, n, n, –, n, n, –n, , , –; The Last Days, , –, n, n censor, n, , , n, n, –, , –, , –n, , n, , ; prerevolutionary, , , , n, . See also Glaviskusstvo; Glavrepertkom Chapaev, V. I. (–, civil war hero), , ,  Cherkasov, N. K. (–, actor), , , , –, n, , , n, , n Chernyshevskii, N. G. (–, social critic), –, –, n, , , , n,  christening of Rus’ (ca. ), –, n, , , . See also Russian Orthodox Church civil war (–), , n, n, n, , , n, , n, n class consciousness, n, –, , , –n,  commemoration: in Imperial Russia, –, , n; Soviet commemoration of “Soviet” figures and events, , –, , , , , ; Soviet commemoration of tsarist figures, , –, n, n, n, –, –, , –, , , n, , , n, n, , –, –, –, n, nn–, –, n, , ; unofficial commemorations , , , , , n, n, , –,  Committee for Artistic Affairs. See AllUnion Committee for Artistic Affairs communist idealists, –, –, –, , – creative intelligentsia. See intelligentsia cult of personality. See Stalin Cultural Revolution (–), , , , , , –, , ,  D’Anthès, Georges Charles (–, Pushkin’s killer), , –, , , , ,  Decembrists (participants in  rebellion), , , , ,  Derzhavin, G. R. (–, poet), –, n dissent, –, , –, –, . See also communist idealists Dmitrii Donskoi (–, grand prince), , , , n. See also Battle of Kulikovo Field Dobroliubov, N. A. (–, critic), ,  Dostoevskii, F. M. (–, writer), n,  educational level, low, , ,  Egorov, A. I. (–, Red Army marshal), – Eikhenbaum, B. M. (–, critic), , n,  Eisenstein (Eizenshtein), S. M. (–, film director), , , , , , , ; Aleksandr Nevskii (), –, –, n, n, n, nn–, –n, n, n, n, –, n, nn–, , –, , n, ; Ivan the Terrible (–), , –, –, –n, nn–, n, n, n, n, , , , n, – Enukidze, A. S. (–, party hierarch), –  Index Epic Heroes, The. See Bednyi; Borodin; Tairov etatism. See ideology Evgenii Onegin. See Pushkin Ezhov, N. I. (–, secret police chief), –, n Fadeev, A. A. (–, writer), , , , n, n film, , , , –, , , , –, , . See also Eisenstein, mass culture; Tolstoi, A. N. First Five-Year Plan (–), , , ,  First World War (–), , n, –, n, , –, n, n folklore, –, , –, –, n, n, n, , , , n, n, , n, n, , n, , n, , , , –,  Formalism: theoretical school, , n, ; campaign against “formalism in the arts,” –, –, n, –, , , , ,  Friche, V. M. (–, critic), , –n Germany, –, , n, , , –, , –, , –, n, n, , –, n, n, , –, , , –, n, , ,  Glaviskusstvo (Main Directorate for Literary and Artistic Affairs), , , n. See also censor Glavrepertkom (Main Repertory Committee), n, n, –. See also censor Glinka, M. I. (–, composer), , , , –, n, , n Gogol’, N. V. (–, writer), , n, , ,  Gor’kii, M. (A. M. Peshkov) (–, writer), , –, , n, –n, n, n, , , –n, , , nn–, , , n, n,  Gorodetskii, S. M. (–, playwright ), , n,  “Great Break, the” (Velikii perelom). See First Five-Year Plan “Great Retreat, the,” , , n “Great Terror, the.” See purges heroes, –, –, n, n, nn–, , –, , n, –, , , –, –, , n, –, , n, , , , ; embrace of Russian historical heroes, –, n, n, , –, , n, , , –, –, n, –, –, , –, n, n, , , –, , –, , –, n, , –, , , , , –; materialists’ rejection of, –, , –, –, , , ; purge of Soviet heroes, –, ; revival of the positive hero, –, –, n, , , n, , n, , ; Soviet heroes as role models, , –, , , , –. See also ideology; Socialist Realism Herzen, A. I. (–, critic), , , n,  history, –, –, –, , –, , ; “great men of history,” , –; propagandistic vs. scholarly, –, –; the “usable past,” –, n, n, , –, , –, , –, , , n, –, –, –, n, n, n, , , , , , , , –, , –, . See also ideology; Pokrovskii Index  ideology, , –, –, –, , , , n, , , , , , –n, , , , –, , , , n, n, n, n, , ; atheism, –, n, , , , , –; deviation, , , , , ; etatism, –, , –, , –, , , ; materialism, –, , , n, , , n, , , n; Marxism-Leninism, –, –, –, n–, n, , , , , , , , ; proletarian internationalism, , n, , ; populism, , , , , ; russocentrism, –, , n, n, –, , –, . See also propaganda intelligentsia, , , , , –, , –n, , , , n, , , , , n, –, , , n, , ; generational conflict within, , ; ideological confusion within, , , –, n, , –, , , –, , , –, , –, , . See also communist idealists internationalism. See ideology Ivan III, “the Great” (–, grand prince), ,  Ivan IV, “the Terrible” (–, tsar), –, , , –, n, n, n, n, –, nn–, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, –, , –, –, , . See also Eisenstein Ivanov, S. V. (author, critic), , – journalism. See press jubilee. See commemoration Karamzin, M. N. (–, historian , writer), n, , n,  Kharms (Iuvachev), D. I. (–), , –, n, –n, n Khrennikov, T. M. (–, composer), , n Khubov, G. N. (–, author, critic), ,  Kievan Rus’ (–th cent. Slavic state), , , –, , , –, n, , –, –. See also christening of Rus’ Kirpotin, V. I. (–, critic), –, n, n, n, nn–, n, n...
