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abolitionists: in Civil War, 50; and emancipation, 51–52; Garrisonian, 20, 150, 156, 179, 193, 362n. 50, 364n. 63, 402n. 19; and stories of Tubman, 402n. 20; and suffrage, 364n. 63; and Tubman’s political and social agenda, 156. See also antislavery movement; specific person or organization Adams, C. G., 286, 339, 377n. 18 Adams, Charles Francis, 367n. 13 Adams, Fannie Frances, 121 Adams, John Quincy, 121, 383n. 30 Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 137, 144, 151, 162, 176, 203–204, 248, 256–257, 267, 355n. 6, 395n. 5, 398n. 32, 400n. 68 Addams, Jane, 100 African American women: as club women, 98–101, 127, 379n. 38; and funding/support for Tubman, 115; and tributes to Tubman, 120–121; and Washington–Du Bois split, 379n. 38. See also specific person or organization African American Women’s Clubs, 127 African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church: in Canada, 359n. 24; relief efforts of, 98, 286, 377n. 21; and visionary experiences, 180; women in, 180. See also specific church or minister African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Zion Church: beginnings of, 375n. 4; Davis as trustee of, 92; and funding/ support for Tubman, 94; and MasonTubman meeting, 334; relief work for, 98, 286; and Tubman Home, 102– 103, 106, 126, 128, 324, 325, 326, 375n. 7, 377n. 20, 378n. 33, 379n. 35, 405nn. 55, 56, 57; and Tubman’s death and funeral, 117, 121, 328, 329, 331; and Tubman’s later years, 92; and Tubman’s property, 94, 251–252, 347; Washington’s speech at, 123, 338–339 Agnew, Allen, 288 Aiken, E. Clarence, 123, 125, 335, 336 Albany, New York: Underground Railroad activities in, 359n. 26 Alcott, Bronson, 37, 42, 145, 146, 306, 362n. 48 Alcott, Louisa May, 41–42, 364n. 64, 364–365n. 65 Alcott family, 332 American Anti-Slavery Society, 20, 27, 76, 85, 86, 371n. 7, 397n. 23 American Equal Rights Association, 75, 76 American Missionary Society, 25 American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA), 76, 101 Amnesty Act (1872), 87 Anderson, Osborne, 39, 362n. 45 443 INDEX Andrew, John A., 49, 50, 51, 52, 244, 264, 302, 304, 306, 332, 366n. 6, 368n. 22, 369n. 30 Andrews, William L., 157, 390–391n. 55, 392n. 1 Anthony, Miss L. C., 319 Anthony, Susan B.: and black suffrage, 75–76, 371n. 8; Catt’s mention of Tubman’s relationship with, 273; Howland’s acquaintance with, 321; and suffrage/women’s rights, 75–76, 95, 97, 111, 252, 253, 256, 274, 319– 320, 360n. 27, 376n. 15, 379n. 44, 391n. 57; Tubman introduced to, 100; Tubman’s acquaintance with, 97, 252, 253, 319–320; Washington’s views about, 274 anti-Semitism, 374n. 35 antislavery movement: and black suffrage, 371n. 8; and Christianity, 30; and debate about slavery, 19–20; early years of, 11; and end of Civil War, 65; funding for, 29, 362n. 50; and later biographical interviews, 152; militancy of, 11; and outbreak of Civil War, 46–47; “professional” narrators of, 134; Quakers as early workers in, 11; Tubman’s initial contact with, 20; women in, 20, 37, 41, 371n. 8; and women’s rights, 358n. 4. See also abolitionists; specific person, organization , city or area apple trees, conversation about, 254 Arnold, James, 362–363n. 51 Arnold, Sarah Rotch, 297, 362–363n. 51 Associated Publishers, 154 Auburn, New York: antislavery movement in, 373n. 21; churches in, 286, 375n. 3, 390n. 51; race relations in, 92, 125, 164, 336–337, 379n. 35; sale of Tubman property in, 337–338; suffragists in, 315–316; tablet for Tubman in, 122, 124–125, 126, 270, 333, 335–336; tributes to Tubman in, 124–126; Tubman/Ross/Stewart family in, 25, 26–30, 37, 41, 46, 51, 67, 69–90, 118, 121, 198, 250–251, 282–283, 343, 346, 360n. 32, 407n. 8; and Tubman’s death, 123–124; Tubman’s trips on Underground Railroad from, 349; Underground Railroad community in, 26, 150; WCTU in, 113; white community of, 123–124 auction: rescue of slave from, 218, 358n. 6; Tubman buys land at, 94, 192, 251–252, 325, 347, 375n. 9, 388n. 33 Auten, T. A., 326, 380n. 45 autobiography. See stories Bailey, E. S., 329 Bailey, Josiah, 135, 137, 149, 191, 200, 224–229, 352, 388n. 31, 397nn. 23, 25, 28, 408nn. 5, 6 Bailey, William, 225–226, 228, 352, 397n. 23, 408n. 5 Bailie, Helen Tufts, 101 Ball, Henry, 333 Ball, R. A., 333, 406n. 7 Baltimore, Maryland, 21, 218, 223, 244, 350, 351, 352...
