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Bibliography Belgium and the Holocaust: Jews, Belgians, Germans, edited by Dan Michman (Jerusalem,YadVashem, 1998). Brachfeld, Sylvain, Ha-hayim Be-matanah: Hatsalat 56% Mi-Yahadut Belgiyah Bi-zeman Ha-kibush Ha-Natsi. (Life as a Gift:The Saving of 56% of Belgian Jewry During the Nazi Occupation). (Israel,Yedi’ot Aharonot , 2000, in Hebrew). Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, editor in chief. (NewYork, Macmillan, 1990). Kliger, Noah, Shetem Esreh Lahmaniyot La-aruhat Boker/ 12 Rolls for Breakfast (Tel Aviv,Yedi’ot Aharonot, 1995, in Hebrew). The Malines Museum of Deportation and Resistance. Prowizur-Szyper, Claire. Be-mabat Le-ahor: LohemetYehudiyah Be-Belgiyah Ha-kevushah (Looking Backward: A Jewish Fighting Woman in Belgium). (Sifriyat Po’alim, 1981, in Hebrew). Steinberg, Maxime, Dossier Bruxelles-Auschwitz: La Police SS et Le Extermination de Juifs de Belgique Suivant de Document Judiciares de Les Affairs Ehlers. (Bruxelles, LeComite,1980). Steinberg, Maxime, L’Etoile et le Fusil — LaTraque des Juifs 1942-1944 (Bruxelles,Vie Ouvriere, 1986). ...
