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Lesson 28: Computer Hardware I (general) * ;tr) middle J:fl*9l1J11!~~ J:fl*mli :r:L r);t r) ~ 3 'J 'J r):r central processing unit (CPU) :r:L r) ;tr)T /';f- 3 7 central electrode A :IX' ..I. understanding; jJ -1 assembly, association, club, meeting, party C6('5 ) to interview, to meet ~¥IHt*l~ :J 3 r) *r) jJ ~ -V jJ -1 information society ~*l jJ -1 ~ -V company, corporation JtIJ ;f- an age, date, period, season, session, term, time JajWHW ~ :L r) ;f-jJ -1 *EM ~3;f- ~ book, chronicles, history ffiBe ffiBel¥J~~ v;f-~ v;f-~T;f-J\ 'Y T /' 8 :J'Y day, sun; =:r day, Japan, sun -i)'), day; '0 date, day, sun B~~m =:r:J3r)t-1jJ'Y B* =*/' *± ~ -V association, company, Shinto shrine ~ G0 Shinto shrine§*l :J~-v 3t*ll¥Jtch ~ /' ~ -V T;f- tch ~JJ ~ 3 beginning, first periodic solution initial stage, early period history historical development daily life Japan the company itself company-wide '5 \,t) first (time), beginning; -~(&JG) to begin to ...; ~'i G(&J) beginning, origin; ~'i G(&J-C) (for) the first time, not until; ~'iJ beginning, first, new f)]M~rl=l'1m ~ 3 ;f-:r-t /':$T~-1 initial value problem f)]~ ~ 3 r- r) beginning -327- *I: ~ ~ 3 ry disguising, dressing, pretending; 'J ry disguising, dressing, pretending J::.J(-:B( '5) to disguise, to dress, to pretend ~2ti~fI :f-:t!J 'J ry 7- storage, memory A11~fI ::.:L ry I) 3 !J 'J ry 7- input device t /' mainly, solely :t> ":J ~i( G) mainly, solely w:r'JtIf W:ffl51 !J desk, table .-&i OO~.-&i 7- placing, putting, setting t/'.:c/'~/'-v t/'3ryT /'51!J fJ/,/..ryT/'51!J :B( C: basis, beginning, formerly, foundation, origin, principal, root (of a tree), source 1il*~* fJ !J I) 'Y l:: 3 ry 51-1 random sample m*agt;t. :J /'~ /'T:f-t;t. fundamental, basic Hl v:f- continuation, passing (of time) D9J;.JfI~ D9J;.l)v:fJfI ~~. I)v:f-~/'~3ry -328strain history hysteresis [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 05:05 GMT) Reading Selections 28-1: T.{ ;;~ )vIU.1l (1W¥Il479-480) 1i:.:rM••C ~ v~ '5. /lI1f!{aO)~J:, ~7'Y r-::I /t:::.:r..-7'-cc:t~~. ~1:EO)m .$:~J:w:mO)x-17 070t'Y-lj"-~mv)'"(.~~tl, flfiI5O)~1JD~~J!n~lt~l¥JW~tJ: t::.?iJ , ~db0)fjlHJ:~F'M"~:~ v). Gn) G, pg$.~~: ~J: &> * IJ ~ IJ n~tJ: 0) ~J:, $db}:alcn~b9n) 5, 6 J~"C'&>,'Q. 28-3: m.$:~ili~~,'Q*"C'~.*~~~~m~"C'~~~flM~.$:~~.fI~c:t~'"(, A~~ fT '5Il9JtIj~.~1mWJ G'"(v)t::.. 1962 iF':mTl¥J~:~.~fT'5 mT~ljI~~.fln~itii£ {t~ tlt::.. ~ ~~: 1964 iF,:~J: r- :; /:/A 7'-{t~ tlt::.m.$:n~ ~ -V -7*1n) ~ §eft~ tl, ~tln~~1:EO)m.$:O)JJjHr~ctJ:~ t::.. ~ O)mljl~J:$£J~lcn~ 5000 M, m~ n~ 25 kg "C'&>~ t::.. ~O)t~, @l~*TC G'"( IC ~mv),'Qc:t '5 ~:tJ: IJ, /J\~Ht, 1:!imJJ{tn~~lvti. ~ 1J=if~J::fIfj ~ C ~:@l~~~t::. ,:~~ G'"(v)t::.. @l~O)~J!~:PtJ: ~btlt::.. ~ ~~:/J\~Ht~tl~~,'Qt::.?iJ~: B*O)m.$:;(-jJ-n~7;( I) jJO)-1 /7)v*1c~IPJ"C'oo§eGt::.O)n~iit3'f.mO)x-17 07 ot'Y-lj"- i4004 "C'&>,'Q. x-17 070t'Y-lj"-0)i*m"C'm.$:flfiI50)~1JD . ~lEn~W~ ~~IJ, ~lcmljl~7'oif:;Am.$:~e.ttnO)m.$:~~~~~*.~*tl,'Qc:t'5~~ ~ t::.. LSI .~~ 0)- 110) rtiJJ:3:f~ v), ~I\IH:fIfil5, ~~fifil5tJ: e ~VIiJtt::.mljl t> tlH5l G '"(v),'Q. *JJMO)t][O)m.$:~J:~7J'~ C G'"(J!{~~~ m v)'"(v)t::.n~, §e7t7'''-1:;t- ~ ~7J'~ ~*-I,"(~1:E"C'~J:¥BiSL~7J'~n~-&!m ~ tl'"(v),'Q. m~t> itiimm~n) ~, ~mW!, ~ ~ ~:m *n~fgjfj!"C'mw!3'e~n~~m O)j(~mW!~c~{l:: G'"(v),'Q. 28-4: ~.flO)?Ji.9l1J11!$~ 1 OO*t::'~J:IcOOO) LSI "C'.~Gt::.x-17 07'ot'Y-lj"-~:~21l ~ti~}ajm~ti c 0)-1 /7'-7 ::r. - A @l~tJ: e ~{11JD G~- ~ ~:m~ Gt::.~.fI~ v) '5. ~ G'"(x-1::I / Cv) '5. 1971 iF~:-1 /7)v*1n~, B*O)m.$:;( -jJ-O)§ei±~:Jit,\C;'"( iit3'f..mO)x-170::I/t:.:r..-7'-~OO§eG'"(~*, 7'oif:;A~c:t~'"(~*~*~m ~~:Jiim"C'~,'Q7fLmO)mT$£c G'"(m~n~iJt*G, LSI tt*O)~~,:c:t~ '"(1IUil¥J~:§eM G...
