In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Lesson 22: Electronics I (transistors and diodes) .w. n-1 boundary, circle, limits, world jjl~JI =f-39n-1'.J9 m~ '//-n-1 a jJ-1 damage, harm, injury, interference ~i!fjJ:J,. :J9jJ-1jJ:J,. liiti!f ~39jJ-1 JII -:).:z. /- docility, obedience, occasion, order, turn mff -:).:z./--:) 3 =¥Jm L -:).:z. /lit ~ 3 9 harming, hurting, interfering ~ b(G ) to harm, to hurt, to interfere mcPl :J~39 Pli!f~ ~39jJ-1-:f'Y _ "t'Y adjoining, encountering, touching -:::>( () to cement, to join, to piece together, to splice ~M "t~~3~ m~ 39"t'Y :~ l:E: ?' 'Y attaining, becoming expert, notifying, reaching ~~OO~ 7/-?''Yn/-:J,.9 ~~ /\~?''Y m ?' /- brevity, defect, fault Jj. t:n)(v)) brief, short ~PJT§;R~ -265boundary layer limit, limitation, bound pollutant gases disorder, obstacle, obstruction order, sequence procedure, process, protocol failure, fault, break-down obstacle contact welding transfer function development, progress weak point short circuit, shunt .&.1.1.1 !lim ?' /' end, origin, point ~J:. border, edge, end, tip; ~i G border, edge, end, tip; ~J:.t.:. border, edge, end, tip J'Gfilffl t /'?' /' tip, leading edge filffl-=r ?' /':,., tenninal ~~ I·~.. J-. -7 advantage, benefit, profit '5 (G) to be able to, to gain; ;t(G) to acquire, to be able to, to earn, to gain ~~~ jJ -7 J-. -7 acquisition, possession _EEfIH~ T /'7 'Y 'J J-. -7 voltage gain ~ J-. 'Y protruding, thrusting J ( ~;:J: t] ~~t I?ttt.=.I. ~'Y~-. ~-A, ~~~~-®3-:J®~~ffi~Q. ~f1=~~ti~tim~~~.~ti ~~rRH;:'\1'7 A~ttQ . .I.~ 'Y ~-®.:t-"V I) -v-~;tJe ®ilI.Q (~ v~ ~ -, .I.~ 'Y ~ - ~U••~~~~C:~.Q~ ~~®"::7/~A~-®::JV~~-t.®~~~ti, ~® -267- ~~~~~~~~-.~~~~~~~~mm~~~~~~~u~-~~~~~~b~.••~~~~~-~~••~ ~.¢~. ~ ~~ ~-~It1T••~j:/J'~ t.-~jjn~J: t.-~. ~~~5~.~~~~, ~-~••~x~~~-A~~~~~~~~~~~e-¥ ~ ~ ~ilt.- ~~: ~ ~ .J±fljf~n~~ Gtt, .I. ~ ~ ~ - ••~~- ~A~ ~ ~ ~ ~J:.J±fIH~ ~ ~q~~-~••~~~~~-••~~~J:~••~~~~~tt~. ~~~~-.ft~ ~~~.J±••~~~e~~~~-m~~~~ ••~~~e-¥~~ m~efTxJt~ ~~~-m~~~t:.~e.1'ili~:1&~ ttl~~~n~~~~. l\~~-:;­ ~:;~~~~-~~~~~*~~~~~~~~U~-~~~~~~~U~-, ~~b~, .T~lE~~jltijjjn~~1j.~~. ~ttn~I\~~-:;-~~~ttt~~EB~, npn ~~ pnp ~ ~n~CI!> ~. pn .ft~.JM~lJ* ~:; ~~~~-~jItij~~.1&~5~, ~~ IJ ~-e7~*)V~. A~it~jje'.J-~, ~~ IJ~-e7~*)V~ ~.ttl~it~jje ~ ~~ ~~J:'¢~. *-t~, '.J-~~~~~~~~OO~~~.l&e~-~~~~. ~-~.J±~~~~~~~.~~ ~~7~*);tL, ~~~~••e*,J~~~. ~J:~ ~:; ~~~~-~::Jt.-~L±t~fitme~~GLJj.~. ~~~l\~~-:;- ~:; ~ ~, n'l£~j:~li:~ttLt.-~~t.-~~~:~tGL, ~fft~l\~~-:;- ~:; ~~ ~~-~~j: 10 GHz ~J:*-~, ~ G~:jj Ur) b.l:::*.~WJ* ~:; /~~~-~~j: 100 GHz ~. 1:J~~-~~~n'l~:~Ic~x~ ~~-e~:J~5t~*f,*t~ ~:;~~~~-(x)v7 .I.~ ~~- ~:; ~~~~-) ~CI!>~n~, ~)~HJ:=~T*T~CI!>~. **, ~:; ~~~~ -~J:~Fil1~*T~CI!>~n~, ~tl;lfJaj7Jt~J: ~ n'lt~ ~ {J!;t.-~Jaj7JtIc~, Gn'l~/J,;Ji.ilJJfF~:1SH JE9tt~t, ~~~fj~~*T~~;tL J: t.-~. .:c~lJJfFmfJT~:~J:, ~{jffiffiJ~~ GL ~:; ~~ ~~-~~J.lI¥J.px;eBt~Gt~T~JE~(re' rb , re, a)~:J:~~~(ve=areie)' *-t~, =~T~5~~1:JeA~~~ttl~~~~~*T~G, ~~~2:JeA~~ttl~~~T ~GL=~TMffiJ~'"C'~9~~~CI!>~. ~ '7 ~~ ~?7-~j:~HI@J~'"C'M!m ~ tt-rt.-~~. Gn'l G:AiilI~j:M!mMi~O)~t.-)ffiJ~, t~ ~;t~tT.{ ~~ )vffiJ~~~j:7IJ ~ 77 0 ~ 7~~~.:c0)~~n'lO)jgJ.lffiJ~, 7j-o ifffiJ~ '"C'~••ml\liffiJ~~~~~M~O)~:;~~~~-~§IJJ*Te.Jj.ftbit~~~~~~n'lG, *~t.-~~ ~~ ~-m~e-W5.~ ~:; ~~~~-~~j:~~Gt~~e~ 9jji!n~fb'~ ~t~~. .:c~t~~.ft$O)ltifJle*~ .Q. ~t::., 'j- A ~j:::f-"V 'J -V-~T"V *,)v~im Gi6uflli --e, ~ V1 /~j:::f-"V 'J -V-~T"V*)VJ::. tJ m~it.Qtili--ed!>.Q. 1\1 iF-7- ~ 7 /~ A~-o)~V~~-tl.~~-A~~~JmO.~L~~~~::f-"VU-V---ed!>.QO)~MG L, tiJf.w.J* ~ 7 /~A~-O) ~ V1 /tlim~j:T"V*,}V~tiJf.';:J::. tJ ~.Q~Ic::f-"V 'J-v ---ed!>.Q. ~~, ~nGO)~~~~~Ic::f-"VU-v-0)~OO4~.Q0)--e~=~-7-~7 /~A~-C~J::.~n.Q .•mcGL~, ~.ft~, ~3~~::f--.ft~, ~tI~~ ~:8J::.7.J. MOS ~;¢~d!>.Q. A1JHU1i:;¢~liabLjUj~~ ~ c ~j:c.0)~,;: ~:ttJm GL~~.Q;¢~, *f ,;: MOS ~~j:jUj~~. pn .ft~c MOS ~~j:!l!-f*O)~TC GLJ::. O~, :80):80) 'J =7_ ~§i3c~~~~)v_~§i3O).d~TcGLm~--ed!>.Q.~.ft~, ~3~~::f-­ .ft~, MOS ~O) ~ V1 /ti.· ~ V1 /tlEEO)*ftt;¢~f&~~ (d!>.Q1iR~J:O)tiEE':M;¢~~;ftl GL.:cnw..J:~;:m:bo GtJ: ~~) -r:~ .Q0) ~;:~t GL , ~.~~~-r: ~j:~F~;ftl ~~~G, jUjtiEE, ~.~ml\li*O)tI~.TcGLebn.Q. ~.ft~, ~ti~~~, MOS ~;¢~~'J ~ /~ljtoJ.c~.QO)k:MGL, ~ 3 ~ ~::f--.ft~~j:jj'J r) b.1:::~--e"J...
