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Appendix C Questions and Variable Coding Endogenous Variables Antisemitism Holocaust Interpretation If you look back on the Third Reich what would you say—if you look at Nazism in total do you see only bad sides, mostly bad sides, good and bad sides, or mostly good sides? 1 ⫽ only bad sides; 2 ⫽ bad sides mostly; 3 ⫽ good and bad sides; 4 ⫽ good sides mostly. There are various opinions about the guilt of Germans under the Third Reich for the Jewish experience. Of this list, please tell which of these is closest to your personal views. 1 ⫽ Guilt falls on all Germans, even those born after the war; 2 ⫽ Guilt is borne by every group of that generation; 3 ⫽ Guilt falls only on those Germans who knew about the crimes against the Jews; 4 ⫽ Guilt only falls on those Germans who participated in transgressions against the Jews. Please tell me on a scale of 1 to 6 whether you completely agree or disagree. I am ashamed that the Germans committed so many crimes against the Jews (1 ⫽ agree . . . 6 ⫽ disagree). Classical Antisemitism Latent Variable In the following we are concerned with qualities that characterize the Jews. How would you describe the Jews? (1 ⫽ trustful . . . 7 ⫽ mistrustful) (1 ⫽ not intent on money . . . 7 ⫽ intent on money). In the Bible, the Jews are guilty of the death of Jesus. What is your opinion? 1 ⫽ it is wrong to speak about Jewish guilt in the death of Jesus; 2 ⫽ guilt lies with the Jews who convicted him at that time; 3 ⫽ 181 182 Appendix C I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it; 4 ⫽ Guilt lies on the Jews who lived at that time; 5 ⫽ All Jews in general are guilty for the death of Jesus. Economic Satisfaction Latent Variable Please tell me from this list how pleased you are with your income (work). 1 ⫽ completely unpleased; 2 ⫽ rather unpleased; 3 ⫽ rather pleased; 4 ⫽ completely pleased. How do you judge your economic situation today? 1 ⫽ very bad; 2 ⫽ bad; 3 ⫽ so-so; 4 ⫽ good; 5 ⫽ very good. Anti-Foreign Sentiment Latent Variable Please tell me whether you agree completely, rather less, or not at all. These foreigners intensify the unemployment of Germans. These foreigners abuse the operation of our social systems. Most German politicians worry too much about these foreigners and not enough about Germans. 1 ⫽ not at all; 2 ⫽ rather less; 3 ⫽ rather more; 4 ⫽ completely. Exogenous Variables Education: 1 ⫽ elementary school without apprenticeship; 2 ⫽ elementary school with apprenticeship; 3 ⫽ further schooling without completing exams; 4 ⫽ completed exams for secondary school; 5 ⫽ studium. GDR: 0 ⫽ resides in western Germany; 1 ⫽ lives in the territories of the former GDR. Worker: 1 ⫽ unskilled worker; 0 ⫽ all others. Gender: 0 ⫽ male; 1 ⫽ female. Religiosity–Church Attendance: 1 ⫽ never attends; 2 ⫽ attends family celebrations; 3 ⫽ attends on special holy church days; 4 ⫽ attends several times but at least once per month; 5 ⫽ attends Sunday or nearly every Sunday. Age was coded as exact age at the time of the survey. Ideology: 1 ⫽ Left . . . 10 ⫽ Right. ...
