In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank a number of people who gave freely of their time or helped in other ways to bring this book to publication. Thank you to Jim Wiersma and others in the scientific and environmental community who took the time to proof early drafts of the manuscript for technical accuracy, and to Tom Content for his many editing contributions and insightful suggestions. We’d also like to thank Chuck Lacasse for his lead role in preparing the graphics, and Sally Jo Bongle and Kelley Rudolph for their contributions. Thanks to Susanne Breckenridge at the University of Wisconsin Press for her flexibility and careful attention to the manuscript, and to Raphael Kadushin, Sheila Moermond, and Andrea Christofferson, among others. Thanks also to Jane Curran, for her thoughtful and thorough editing—and her enthusiasm. The authors would like to acknowledge those who provided technical support during various stages of preparing the manuscript, among them Michael Westura and Joanne Lamb. Thanks also to Sam Wozniak for his work on the Web site, which we hope will be a continuing source of information for those interested in learning more about the ever-evolving field of environmental science and policy. Finally, a special thank you to Art Kaftan, for making the introductions that made this book possible. 191 ...
