In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Tables 2.1 Doctoral degrees awarded in all fields by U.S. colleges and universities by ethnicity and citizenship, 1989–1998 25 3.1 Selected characteristics of high and low context 69 3.2 Characteristics of field-sensitive and field-independent children and adults 77 4.1 Latino study, 1994–1995: Degree status of participants by gender and ethnicity 86 4.2 Latino study, 1994–1995: Field of study of participants by ethnic group 103 6.1 Latino study, 1994–1995: Profile of tenure problems by gender 151 6.2 Latino study, 1994–1995: Field of study of participants by gender 166 7.1 Faculty survey, 1995–1996: Demographics of full-time undergraduate faculty 210 7.2 Faculty survey, 1995–1996: Evaluation methods used in most or all undergraduate classes 212 7.3 Faculty survey, 1995–1996: Instruction methods used in most or all undergraduate classes 214 7.4 Faculty survey, 1995–1996: Goals for undergraduates noted as “very important” or “essential” 216 Appendix 2 Graduate enrollment by ethnicity, 1986–1996 265 Appendix 3 Major concerns of Latino faculty 266 ...
