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Glossary Alphabetic order has been modified to accommodate the Spanish letter and phoneme ch and the Aymara phonemic distinction between unaspirated , aspirated, and glottalized forms of ch, k, p, g, and t. Glottalization is marked by a single prime following the consonant; aspiration, by a double prime. Unaspirated consonants are unmarked. Alax-KawaUi (Ay.). A K'ulta ayllu, formerly of the lower moiety. alax-pacha (Ay.). Upper or outer spaceltime; upperworld; heaven. alax-saya (Ay.). Upper moiety; equivalent to Quechua anansaya. alcalde (Sp., from Arabic). "Mayor"; one of the three civil authority types in K'ulta. alferez (Sp., from Arabic). Standard-bearer, lieutenant; fiesta career post. alguacil (Sp., from Arabic). Bailiff, constable; jilaqata's assistant, town council role. alma cargo (Sp.). "Soul sponsor," one who inherits a dead man's fiesta-cargo status. amt'ana (Ay.). To remember. amt'an f'aki (Ay.). Fixed sequence of libation dedications; lit: "path of memory." anansaya (Q.). Upper moiety. arkiri (Ay.). Followers who give gifts to a fiesta sponsor. awarinti (Ay., from Sp. aguardiente [agua ardiente, "burning water"]). Diluted cane alcohol. awatiri (Ay.). Herder (one who herds). awayu (Ay.). Carrying cloth, shawl; also, IliqUa. awiyaru (Ay., from Sp. aviadora, "provider"). Uywiri-like deities at the heads of valleys producing the bulk of vegetable food eaten in K'ulta. awki (Ay.). Father. awukatu (Ay., from Sp. abogado). Lawyer, intercessor. ayUu (Ay.). Polity self-formulated through ritual. ayni (Ay., Q.). Reciprocal aid, labor exchange; revenge; persons owing or owed aid or revenge. 516 Glossary 517 cabildo (Sp.). Civil offices, town council; altar where tribute is collected; tribute district. See kawiltu. cacique (Sp., from Caribbean term for "chief"). Used generically in place of local words for "chief." cacique cobrador (Sp.). "Collecting cacique," a role jilaqatas fill as tax collectors. capac hucha (Spanish orthography [spellings vary] for Quechua qapax jucha[?J). Inca rite of human sacrifice and reordering of regional shrines; opulent prestation. ceque (siqi?) (Q.). A sight line or straight path leading from a center point (in Cusco, the Qurikancha temple) outward, connecting sacred sites (wak'as) and serving as a pilgrimage or dance path. cofradia (Sp.). Sixteenth-century Spanish religious and military confraternity. corregidor (Sp.). Royal/state authority in province (sixteenth century); canton authority (modern). corregimiento (Sp.). Province of corregidor's jurisdiction (colonial); offices of canton (modern). cumbi (qumpi?) (Q.). High-quality warp-patterned textiles; clothing for nobility or wak'a images in pre-Columbian times. chakra (Ay.). Field. charango (Sp.). Mandolinlike instrument played during the dry season, used by young men in courtship. chicha (Sp., from Taino). Corn beer. (Ay. k'usa; Q. asua). chullma (Ay.). "Heart," metaphorically; lit.: liver and lungs. Chullpas (Ay.). Autochthonous people of presolar age; preconquest tombs. chuiiu (Ay.). Freeze-dried potatoes. ch'alla (Ay.). Libation. ch'arki (Ay.). Freeze-dried meat. ch'axwa (Ay.). Land war. ch'iwu (Ay.). Meat, shade, black rain cloud, llama progeny. ch'uspa (Ay.). Textile bag for carrying coca. doctrina (Sp.). Colonial Spanish ecclesiastic district with resident priest. encomienda (Sp.). Grant of indian labor and tribute to a Spanish conquistador. fuera (Sp., derived from colonial mayordomo de afuera). P"wira in Aymara. Fiesta sponsor of intermediate rank; caretaker of portable saint image. Ilawi (Ay.). K'ulta ayllu, formerly of the upper moiety. ipala (Ay.). Father's sister (male ego), husband's sister (female ego). isi (Ay.). Clothing. isi turqa (Ay.). Clothes-changing ritual, in which the innermost of twelve textiles covering a saint image is rotated to the outermost position. iskin mamala (Ay.). "Corner mother," house deity. jach'a jiliri (Ay.). "Great elder brother," one who has completed a fiesta career. jach'a misa (Ay.). "Great altar," patio altar of a founding ancestor of hamlet! patriline. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 10:33 GMT) 518 Glossary jach'a p"ista t"aki (Ay.). "Great fiesta path"; fixed concatenated sequence of festival sponsorships and terms of civil office conforming an individual career. jaiiachu (Ay.). Male alpaca. Etymology, "sterile male"? Lit., stud male alpaca; term applied to tullqas during their ritual role as mock llamas. jilaqata (Ay.). Highest-level authority of a major ayllu; also called cacique. jilata (Ay.). Brother. jiliri (Ay.). Elder. jira t'alia (Ay.). "Dung plain," libation term for "corral." jisk'a p"ista tak"i (Ay.). "Small fiesta path," a fiesta-cargo career. jula-jula (Ay.). Octave-graded panpipe; dance group playing such instruments. jurk'a (Ay.). Pole covered with flowers and erected in carnaval rite. kamachiri (Ay.). One who commands or rules. kamayuq (Q., Ay.). Specialist, such...
