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INDEX Age: related to responsibility. 30; of professional men. 77. 80. 83; of men of entradas . 163; of settlers generally. 186. 252-53 AgrIculture: livestock. 23. 34. 61. 62. 84. 208. 211-12; products. 23. 25-28. 34. 134.143.165-66.224; labor. 23-24. 2627 . 125. 141-42. 165-66.208-11.21718 . 220. 234. 259; description of Spanish . 26-27. 210-12. See also Chtu:aras; Gardeners; Majordomos AgUero. Diego de. 126 Aguirre. Lope de. 162 Alcaldes: indMdual mentioned. 20. 48. 76. Aldana. Lorenzo de. 189 Aleman. Pedro. German merchant. 145 Allaga. don Juan de. son of conqueror. 44; signature. Plate 6 Almagro. Diego de: expedition to Chile. 3.; cMl wars and. 3.5. 14. 15. 120. 156. 158; titles of. 43; mentioned .78.81 Alvarado. Alonso de. 30. 31. 35. 42. 47. 158. 179 Alvarado. Pedro de. 16.54. 132. 140 Ampuero. Francisco de. 239 Andagoya. Pascual de. 42 Arequipa: role in Gonzalo PIzarro rebellion . 32-33; merchants· row In. 93; houses In. 122; place In Peruvian commerce . 124. 133; projected road to. 167; slaves In. 201. 202. 207; chacaras in. 210; mentioned. lOS. 106. 107. Alias. Hernand. cantor ofCuzco cathedral. 64 Armenta. Baltasar de. merchant. 104-7; signature. Plate 5 Artillerymen. 142-43 Artisans: role In conquest period. 14. 15; and encomlenda grants. 19-21. 23; various backgrounds of. 56. 78. 142-44. 1BO. 190. 191.216.229-32.246-48; and commerce. 88. 99; main discussion of. 109-28; and blacks. 197. 202. 203-4. 206-8. 213. 216. 217. 220-21; role In community. 251. 255. 257; mentioned. 65.77.173 Arvallo. Bartolome. notarial aide. 83 Atahuallpa. See Cajamarca Audlencla. 47. 69. 72-73.138.159 Avendano. don Martin de. nobleman. 41. 47 Bachicao. Hernando. 41. 161 Barbaran. Juan de. 178.214 Barber-surgeons. 56. 110. 118 Barrionuevo. Francisco de. former governor of Panama. 209-10 Beatas.l84 Beltran. Dr.• of Council of Indies. 51 Bena1cAzar. Sebastian de. 15. 132. 162 Benino. Nlcolao del. Florentine merchant. 145 Benzonl. Girolamo. chronicler. 149 Bocanegra. li'lIgo de. majordomo. 35. 149 Bosclm.FeUpe.98 Bruselas. Juan de. silversmith. 118 Caballero. Marshal Diego. 98. 102.200 Cabrera. don Pedro Luis de. nobleman. 47. 53; Signature. Plate 5 Caceres. Juan de. accountant general. 84. 122 Caciques. 27.234.235. 236-41 Cajamarca. capture of Inca by Spaniards at: background of participants. 14. 79. 124. 142.252-53; effects of participation on status. 13-14. 15. 19. 20-21. 142. 255; commerce and. 97. 194. 252; indians and. 225. 228. 243; mentioned. 3 Callao. 130. 143. 166 Candia. Pedro de. Greek artilleryman. 142. 148 Canete. don Andres Hurtado de Mendoza. Marquess of. viceroy: description of rule. 8; policies of.; statement about settlers. 153-54; mentioned. 131.167.232 Carabaya. gold-mining area; blacks at. 201. 209. 216. 218; indians at. 209. 235; mentioned. 7 Carpenters. 109. 114. 117. 121-22. 143. 206.207-8.211.247 Carvajal. FrancIsco de. 158 Carvajal. man suarez de. 71 315 Copyrighted Material 316 Carvajal. Ucenclado BenIto Suarez de. 7172 Carvajal. Llcenclado Juan Suarez de. b~opofLugp.50.71 Casa de Contratacl6n. 163 Casa poblada.. 23. See also Selgneurlal Ideal Castilla. don Sebastian de. 5-6. 48-49. 159 Chacaras: description of. 34. 142.210-11; people connected with. 141. 218. 220 Chachapoyas: clergy In. 66; Ironworklng In. 119; development of. 262 Charcas: people In. 53. 65. 168. 189; gambling In. 161; tribute parties to. 236; Indtans In. 248-49. See also La Plata. Potosi Chile: encomlendas In. 12.148.218; Indlvldualsln . 30. 51. 148; nobles In. 38. 39; expeditions to. 49. 98. 100. 163. 240; Peruvian contacts with. 101. 133. 139; foreigners In. 148. 150; blacks In. 194. 207; Peru compared with. 262. Clmarrons. 213-14 CIvIl wars: outlined. 3-6; clvtl development and. 3. 6-7. 2~6. 61; encom\endas and. 16-17; majordomos In. 26; noblemen In. 46.48-49.54.71-72. 159; clergy In. 59. 61. 64.67.159; lawyers In. 72; Audlencla and. 72; physicians In. 74; notaries In.; merchants In. 88. 9495 .100.105-6; artisans In. 116-17. 120. 126-27.230; sailors In. 140. 141; nonSpaniards In. 141-43. 148. 186. 194-95. 233. 242-43; organization of. 155-58. 261; effect on gender ratio...
