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NOTES A word may be said about the use of references in the present study. Since there is more reliance on direct evidence than on reports. and the method involves synthesizing careers and patterns from discrete bits. substantiating references are very numerous. and despite great care. may occasionally be in error. But the fact that a single reference has no apparent relevance to the matter at hand does not necessarily mean that it is a mistake. Many of the notes yield their full sense only with the assembly of all the individual elements. drawn perhaps from archives on three continents and publications rarer than documents. The full potential of the notes will be realized only by those who can consult all the sources in the course of intensive investigation of related subjects. and while they are designed as the fullest possible substantiation of the text. their greatest usefulness may be as leads for future research. To facilitate such use (and in order to avoid turning the text into an impenetrable forest). in most parts of the study notes are placed only at the ends of paragraphs or short sections. giving the totality of references for that subject matter in one location and in some order. ABBREVIATIONS AGI AHA AHC ANP APS BNP CDIAO CDIHE HC Juzgado PA RANP 276 Archivo General de Indias. Seville. Archivo Hlst6rico de Arequipa. Archivo Hist6rico Nacional del Cuzco. Archivo Nacional del Peru. Lima. Archivo de Protocolos. Seville. Biblioteca Nacional del Peru. Uma. Colecci6n de docwnentos ineditos relativos al descubrlmtento . conqutsta y colonizaci6n de las posestones espaflolas en Amertca y Oceania. Colecct6n de documentos tneditos para la htstorta de Espafla.. Harkness Collection. Ubrary of Congress. Ubro del Juzgado de la ciudad de Los Reyes. 153537 .inANP. The MProtocolo Ambulante.· a collection of notarial documents issued in various parts of Peru in the years 1533-37. inANP Revtsta del Archtvo Nactonal del PerU. Copyrighted Material N01ES TO PAGES 6-9 277 RAPC RAPP Real Audiencia. Procedimientos Civiles. a section in ANP. Real Audiencia. Procedimientos Penales. a section in ANP. A proper name following AHA. AHC. or ANP denotes the register of a notary of that name. contained in that archive. A number following the name denotes the year or years of the register. where that is necessary for identification. All archival sources are cited first in order in the notes. In dates given. the first two digits of the year are omitted and are understood to be 15-. Many of the documents used had neither folio nor date. but where possible the number of the folio (f.) is given. or failing that. the date of the document. Full publication details on all books cited are given in the Bibliography . I. INTRODUCTION 1. For some statements of the view that little colonization took place in Peru before Toledo. see William Lytle Schurz. This New World. 13~0: Juan Perez de Tudela. Cr6ntcas del Peru. lxxv: Guillermo Lohmann Villena. El corregidor de indtos. 4: George Kubler. "The Neo-Inca State.· Hispanic American Historical Review. XXVII (1947). 189: Ruben Vargas Ugarte. S. J .• Htstoria del Peru: Vtrretnato. 15. For some older statements on peaceful social and economic development during the Spanish conquests generally. see Edward Gaylord Bourne. Spain in America. 14S(}-1580. 19(}-201: C. H. Haring. The Spanish Empire in America. 206; Richard Konetzke. MLa emigracion de las mujeres espafiolas a America durante la epoca colonial: Revlsta Intemactonal de Soctologia. III (1945). 123-50; Bailey W. Diffie. Latin American CtvUlzatton: Colonial Period. 54. Of these. Diffie speCifically points to the precocious economic development of Peru. 2. Ubros decabfldos deLtma. VI/I: 338. 381. 424. 428. 438. 3. The regularities of behavior associated with what I have here called a seigneurtal ideal are incontestable. as well as very central to the Spanish social organization of the time. They are also clearly expressions of some intellectual complex circulating in the culture and hence can be considered an -ideal.· If I were writing the book for the first time today. perhaps I would find some other formulation than ·seigneurial.· The complex indeed centers on a single figure or head who under Peruvian conditions was often the driving force in bringing it into existence. But from a certain point ofview. the head is no more essential than the other components. One could fasten rather on the Importance of organizing large quasi-familial establishments . as the Spaniards themselves did in their use of the term ·casa poblada.· which after all is much more salient...
