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Index Abolition movement, 64, 65; influence on suffrage movement, 64, 65-66, 73 Abortion, 11, 240-43 Abramovitz, Mimi, 19,23 Addams, Jane, 102-8 passim, 138 AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children ), 11-19 passim, 29, 199,211,215- 16, 219,270-72 passim, 280-94 passim; double-binding structure of, 14; as aimed at relieving mothers of the "need to work," 45; the Reagan administration and, 45, 46; beneficiaries of, women as the primary,\48, 254; recipients' networks, 215-16; contrasted with foster care payment, 268; and the feminization of poverty, 270, 271; and the War on Poverty, 272; African-American women and, 280-9'8; barriers to collection, 291-92 African-American(s), 7-8, 10, 13,24-25, 29-30, 207, 257, 276, 280-98; disenfranchisement of, in the 1890s, 131; labor force participation rates for, during the 1920s, 132; women, and Mothers' Aid, 139, 145; southern church, and social mobilization, 259; single mothers, and AFDC, 280-98. See also Civil rights; Minorities; Racial biases Agricultural stabilization programs, 20 Aid to Dependent Children (Title IV of the Social Security Act), 37, 111-13 passim; and Mothers' Aid, 144-45 AIDS, 203 Alienation, 23, 228 American Association for Labor Legislation, 134, 157 American Federation of Labor (AFL), 99, 139, 156, 167- 68, 177n59 American Revolution, 55-59 passim, 79n6, 81n15 Amott, Teresa, 7-8, 280-98 Androcentrism, 6 Anthony Amendment, 129 Anticlericalism, French, 160, 162 Arendt, Hannah, 207, 209, 223n12. See also "the Social" Army, U. S., 100 Asian-Americans, 24 Assimilation, 102, 103-4, 114 Associated Charities, 189-90 Australia, 18, 19,21 Autonomy, 51, 95, 234, 235. See also Family autonomy; Independence Baker, Paula, 4, 24, 55- 91, 130-31; definition of politics, 56, 77 Balbo, Laura, 27 Bane, Mary Jo, 281 Barker, Diana L., 21 Barton, Clara, 67 Battered women, 195, 198,213-15,230, 243-45 Beard, Mary, 71 , 180 Beecher, Catherine, 63 Behavioralism, 125 Bell, Winifred, 293 Beveridge, William Henry, 17 Birth control, 28, 104, 166 Birth rates, 152, 153, 284 Bismarck, Otto von, 92 Black(s). See African-American(s) 301 302 Block, Fred, 16-17 Boston, child-saving agencies in, 178, 18082 , 184, 185, 193 Brace, Charles Loring, 25 Bradwell v. Illinois (1874), 42-43, 108, 116nll Brandeis Brief, 156, 167 Breast-feeding: U. S. vs. European attitudes, 157-58; programs in France, 172n6, 173n8. See also Infant health/mortality Bremner, Robert, 10 Brewer, Rose, 282 Britain, 10, IS, 17-18, 152; Poor Laws in, 18, 205, 270; welfare policy, McIntosh on, 19; Workmen's Compensation law in, 135; Factory Acts in, ISS; Thatcherism, 211; preindustrial workers of, 252 Brown, Carol, 22 Buck v. Bell (1927), 116n19 Cahn, Edgar, 273 Cahn, Jean, 273 California, 274, 277, 289 Capitalism, 129, 134, 145, 164, 199-225; and patriarchy, intersection of, structuralist analysis of, S; the meaning of the "social sphere" and, Fraser on, 6; political power under, 16; and Block's class-struggle ap-proach, 16- 17; and the family-wage assumption , 20; and the development of the welfare state, 39, 256; nineteenth century, 60; and democracy, tension between, 92, 99; separation of home from work in, 94; laissez-faire, and racial differences, 95, Ill; industrial, consolidation of, 131; and child abuse, conditions for, 184; unemployment as a structural characteristic of, 185; and mothering, 187-93; and individualism, 227; labor for, the role of racial-ethnic peoples in, 283 Capitalist societies (late-), 206, 209, 222n2; "needs" discourse in, 209-13 Catholics, 59, 154, 155, 178; and Boston "child-saving" agencies, 178, 185 Catt, Carrie Chapman, 73 Center for Budget and Policy Priorities: statistics on African-American female-headed families, 292 Chambers, Clarke, 10 INDEX Charity, 26, 124, 137-38, 140; and social control, 26, 178-96 passim Charity Organization Society Movement, 37, 124, 137-40, 145, 147n6; and "Scientific Charity," 137, 140; opposition to Mothers' Aid, 138 Chicago, 67, 104-5, 139 Child abuse, 178-79, 182-96, 215; a case history, 180-82, 190; punishment of victim , 181, 187; as gendered phenomenon, 183; allegations of, to secure intervention for domestic battery, 215. See also Family violence; Corporal punishment Childbirth, 11, 188,284 Child care, 14,20,46,50, 93, 172n7, 207, 211, 276, 293; African-American reformers and, 25; in France, 159; and the Progressive movement, 167; and child abuse, 183, 184; as a domestic need, vs. an economic need, 207 Child custody, 184, 185, 198n17; rights, 181-82 Child protection, 178-80, 186, 188, 194. See also Women's...
