In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index Abdallah bin Hemedi 'IAjjemy, 71, 87, 114, 115, 282n24 Abrahamu Mputa Billa, 143 Accession, royal, 46, 70-76, 111, 190, 276nl, 277n5 Adultery: indemnity, 54; with king's wife, 84, 125 Akidas: agents of German administration, 122, 130, 132, 133-34, 139, 143; in peasant political discourse, 144, 173, 208 Ali Chankoa (sub-chief of Mlalo), 147-48 All Muslim National Union (AMNUT), 236 Ambangulu Estate, 162, 193 Ancestors. See Sacrifice, rite of Anglicans, 103, 157, 159 Annee Sociologique, 95 Arnold, David, 268n7 Artisans, 131-32 Arusha,211 Arusha Declaration, 14, 194, 228, 240, 248 Asian traders, 133, 157 Ayoub Nyero, 292n57 Balisidya, May, 219 -Bana (to damage), 76-77. See also Kuzifya shi and kubana shi Bananas, 65, 66, 67-68, 274n45 Bangwe,74 Bashu,12 Baumann, 0., 125 Bawan;ama. See Council, chief's Beinart, W., 41 Beleko (court official), 50, 53 Berry, S., 24-25, 36, 269n14 Bethel Mission. See Lutherans Bibi Titi Mohamed, 220 Billa Kimweri (king, 1929), 139 Blackness, images of, 71 Bloch, Maurice, 10, 30, 41 Blood pact, 103 Bondei: under Vugha's rule, 49-50, 280n31; rebellion (ca. 1870),74,94, 117-19, 175,208, 283n32; healer's journey to, 103; Islam in, 115; rainmaking in, 128-29; servicemen from, 140 Bourdieu, P., 4, 27-28, 30, 269nll Bridewealth, 48, 54, 58-59, 62, 64. See also Marriage British colonial administration: and rainmaking , 16, 97, 138; use of subordinate intellectuals (agents), 22-24, 97, 105, 120-24, 134-3~ 139-40, 142-43; economic policy, 136-37, 163-67, 196-99. See also Indirect rule Buffalo, and kingship, 70, 77 Buganda, 135 Bughe (second king), 98 Buhaya, 139, 191, 229, 237 Buhaya District Council, 237 Bukoba Native Coffee Board, 234 Bumbuli: in accession rite, 72, 73; under Germans, 79, 132; resistance movements at, 79, 175, 179, 180, 204; under Shekulwavu, 90; economy, 161, 162, 183, 290n19, 290n20, 293n3; erosion control at, 171, 189; rainmaking at, 171, 189, 217, 249; bus owner at, 195-96; mentioned, 99, 146, 159. See also Daudi Sozi Bundy, c., 41 Bungu, 133, 179, 213, 220-21, 273n29 Bureaucrats: African, emerge dominant, 23,32-33,155, 159, 228,232-3~ 238, 239-41; Max Weber on, 37, 107-8, 215; continuities with colonial period, 158, 232-33; Africans in 1950s, 223-24; ideas of, 240, 243-44; and Lutheran church, 241-44; and rainmaking, 261-62. See also Clerks; Rational-legal authority; Technical competence; Weber, Max Burial, royal. See Accession, royal Burials, and gender, 83 331 332 Index Bushiri bin Salim, 124 Bweni (young men's house), 51, 55 Cameron, Donald (Governor), 134-39, 223 Caribbean, peasantries of, 25 Catholics. See Roman Catholic Church Causality, 101 Centralized power, 6, 7. See also Nguvu Chagga, 174, 191, 211 Chagga Democratic Party, 230 Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), 201, 246 Chanyeghea, 283n32 Charles I of England, 145 Chiefdoms: boundaries, 67; as sovereign, 87 Chiefship, abolition of, 228-29 Christians, 120-24, 138-39, 167, 257-58, 263-64. See also Lutherans; Roman Catholic Church Clerks: as agents, 122, 123, 124, 134; in German period, 131-34; religion of, 131-34, 241; relationship with chiefs, 135, 141-44, 147, 151, 153,223; and political movements, 139-41, 141-44, 151, 154-55, 205; economic position of, 191; post-independence, 238 Coffee, 126, 158, 160, 161, 183-84, 196, 198-99, 290n20 Comaroff, Jean, 30 Comaroff, Jean and John, 34 Communist Party, in Gramsci's thought, 19,32 Competent speaker: Giddens on, 12-13; absence in structuralism, 17 Congo, 230 Continuities, long-term, 3-17 passim, 158, 232-33. See also Kuzifya shi and kubana shi; Rainmaking; Time Convention of Chiefs, 225 Cooper, Frederick, 165, 268n4 Cooperatives, 232-34 Coronation, Elizabeth II, 159 Cory, Hans, 148 Council, chief's (king's), 159, 180, 193, 216,231-32 Councils, district, 228-29, 237 Councils, subchiefs, 159 Crick, M., 299n13 Cromwell, Oliver, 145 Crops, 65-68. See also specific crops (bananas , coffee, maize, etc.) Crummey, D., 270n16 Curtis, Kenneth, 298n17 Custodian bf Enemy Property, 196 Daffa (subchief of Lushoto), 150-51 Daniel Nehemia Ndago, 213 Dar es Salaam, 36, 174, 224, 229 Dar es Salaam, University, Department of History, 13-16, 267nl, 268n3 Daudi Sozi (subchief of Bumbuli): in reign of Shebughe Magogo, 147, 152; and erosion control, 171, 189; and Nyerere, 179,209; and rainmaking, 189, 208-09, 217, 249-50; father's death, 250 Debt, precolonial, 54 Democracy: in peasant political discourse, 23-24,44,48, 124, 141-42, 145,207, 211, 215...
