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Index Abraham, Ko, viii, ix, 8, 9, 16, 19, 23, 46, 52 Abrahams, Ro, 82 absent father and cross-sex identification, 112-13, 134, 135, 153 active versus passive homosexual, 98 Adler, Ao, 17 Afanasyev, Ao No, viii Afro-American folklore, 82, 109 albures, 98-99, 109 Algerians: psychological characteristics of, 115 allomotifs, 40, 167-77 Alorese,25 American football: as homosexual ritual battle, 35, 182-83 anal erotic character, 40-42, 52-54, 80,81 anality: in male creation myths and rituals, 79, 159 analytical psychology, 12, 34 Andrews, Do, 118, 124, 142, 143 Aneid,39 animal terms of abuse (Turkish), 86, 90, 91, 93, 99, 100 anthroposophy, 11, 34 antisemitism in Nazi Germany, 42 Apollonius of Rhodes, 145 archetype, 10-11 211 Asbjornsen, Po Co, vii baboons, 192-93 Bachofen, 1. 1., 148, 158, 159 backwards behavior, 80 Bacon, F., 146 basketball, 188-89 Basque: couvade reported among, 149 Bastian, Ao, 6 Beinhauer, Wo, 119, 124, 126 Bella Coola, 61, 69, 74, 76-77, 79 Benedict, Ro, 47, 48, 72 Bettelheim, Bo, ix, 22, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 156 Bible, xii, 158-66 Birket-Smith, Ko, 71 Bishop, Jo, 118 blason populaire, 169 blood pudding, 7 Boas, F., 47, 49, 52, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75 Boll, Ho, 40 Bohannan, Po, 49-50 bombing: as anal aggression, 42 Bompas, Co Ho, 155 Bonaparte, Mo, 22 Bourke, 1. Go, 7, 21 Boyer, L. B., 24, 33 212 Index breeding, 146, 152 Brill, A. A., 30 bungling host tale, 56 Cansever, G., H2-13, H4 Caribs, 146 Carvalho-Neto, P., ix, 29 castration, 12, 28, 36, 38, 94, 98, 112-14, 115, 160, 173, 174, 181 Chamberlain, w., 38 child-savage equation, 7 Chinook,47 Chippewa, 54 Christian religious family: as Oedipal projection, 36 cigar, 39 Cinderella, 30, 31, 32 circumcision (in Turkey), H2-14 Clark University, 70 cloning: as a modern form of couvade, 158 Cocchiara, G., ix Codere, H., 51, 68, 69, 71, 81 collective unconscious, 10, H Columbia University, 24, 25 compadrazgo, 156 coppers, 48, 49-50, 51, 54, 58, 69, 74, 81; as feces, 55-57 couvade, xi, 145-66 passim; syndrome, 151; as hoax, 161 cultural relativism, 23-25 Cupid and Psyche, 30 Curtis, E. S., 66, 75, 77 custom, ix, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18,35, 166. See also couvade, fasting, piropo, potlatch, and verbal duelling Deans, J., 70 De Laguna, E, 70 Delarue, P., 172 dentist: fear of interpreted psychoanalytically, 181 De Vos, G., H5 Diodorus of Sicily, 145 dog in the elevator, racist legend of, 38 Don Juan: syndrome of, 129, 130, 132 Dorson, R. M., 160 double-vector situations, 64 dozens, 82, HO; African origin of, 109 dreams, vii, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 27, 179 Du Bois, C., 25 dukatenscheisser, 41 Eels, M., 76 eggplant as phallic symbol, 100-1 ego psychology, xii, 33 Einstein, A., x Electra complex, 36, 37 Elementargedanken, 6 Erikson, E., 64-65, 74 ethnography of speaking folklore, 83 Exeter Book, 164 fairy tales, 8, H, 14, 15, 16, 20, 30, 38, 172-77 fallen woman: image in piropos, 129 fasting: psychoanalytic explanation of, 34-35 feast of fools, 7 feces as wealth, 17, 53, 54, 77, 81 female projections misunderstood by early Freudians, 37 feminizing an opponent as a male battle strategy, 84, 85, 98, H3, H4, 175, 182, 189 Fenichel, 0., 53 Ferenczi, S., 52-53 finger-ring as vagina, 17, 31 flood myth, 28 flute as phallic symbol, 138-39, 18081 folk: defined as illiterate in a literate society, 5 folklore: coined in 1846, viii, 4, 15, 21; and psychoanalysis, relationship between, 14, 16, 40, 46 folkloristics, vii, viii, xiii folksong, 103, 193 folk soul, 4 folktales, vii, viii, xiii, 14, 18, 22, 25, 107-8, 154 foot as phallus, 31-32 Frame, R. I., 152 Frazer, J. G., 39 Index Freud, So, viii, ix, xii, 7, 8, lO, 14, ~n,~,1~2~n,2~~,U, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 42, 46, 52, 153, 178, 179 Freudian analysis accused of being reductionist, x Freudian interpretation of solar mythology, viii Freudian symbolism, xi, 15, 16, 17, 18, 38; validation of, xi, 38, 16777 , 179-81, 182-87 Freudian theory: applicable only to Viennese Jewish data, 23, 53; and cultural relativism, 23, 24-25, 3435 ; resistance to, ix, x, xiii, 16, 23, 53; and universalism, 23; validation of, 25, 178, 194 Fribourg, 1., 119 friendship: Turkish concept of, 116n Fromm, Eo...
