In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LIST OF FIGURES Frontispiece I. A History of Ideas in Game Mlf,nagement 14 1. Factors of Productivity in Relation to Population 25 3· Breeding Potential-American Game Species and Predators 36 4· Sensitivity of Population Curve in Deer 42 5· Types of Population Curves 51 6. Fluctuation of Bobwhite in Relation to Range Boundaries 60 7· British and American Grouse Cycles 65 8. Distribution of Pheasants and Hungarians 92 9· Interspersion of Types-Relation to Mobility and Density of Quail 130 10. Classification of American Game Species 133 Frontispiece to Part II I I. Ligon's Census of Antelope in New Mexico, 1926 143 11. Quail Population Density in Missouri 146 13· Pheasant Census of Iowa 148 14· Quail Census of Iowa 149 15· Pheasant Density in Iowa 160 16. Measuring Trends by Bag Records 161 17· Frequency of Antler Classes in Annual Kill 168 18. Matching Factors 187 19· Calculating Unknown Factors by Subtraction 188 10. Game Refuge Pattern in Pennsylvania 199 XI XU LIST OF FIGUR.ES 21. Game Refuge Pattern in New Mexico 201 22. Pheasant Refuge and Feeding Station Developed Around a Gravel Pit 206 23· Shrinkage ofOpen Seasons and Bag Limits in the North Central States 215 24· Classification of Pheasant Food by Months 262 25· Breast Contours of Wisconsin Bobwhites 263 26. Plantations at Freemont Forest Experiment Station facing 273 27· Peterson Flushing Rod 312 28. Cover on the University Farm facing 316 29· Norway Spruce under Black Locust facing 317 30 • Basic Techniques for Artificial Propagation 358 31. Weight: Age Curves of Chicks 372 32• Cover Map of Williamston Project 376 33· Quail Development Plan 383 34· Populations of People and Grouse in Scotland and Wisconsin in Relation to Intensity of Management 393 35· Game Research Projects 421 ...
