In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents Illustrations and Figures Vll ~aps ~ Tables Xl Preface X111 Acronyms XVll 1 The State in Zaire: An Introductory Perspective 3 2 Zaire in the ~obutu Years: An Overview, 1965-1980 47 3 The State and Civil Society: Capital, Town, and Countryside 78 4 The Dynamics ofInequality: Class Formation 100 5 The Ethnic Dimension ofCivil Society 138 6 The Patrimonial State and Personal Rule 164 7 In Pursuit ofLegitimacy: Party and Ideology 185 8 RegionalAdministration 221 9 The Seventh Scourge: The Security Forces 248 10 Economic Policy during the ~obutu Years 276 11 Zairianization and Radicalization: Anatomy ofa Disaster 326 12 Zaire in the International Arena 363 13 Conclusion: Crisis ofthe Zairian State 396 Notes 409 Index 469 ...
