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Index Adams, Hazard, 230 Arato, Andrew, 275n3I Armstrong, Paul, 229 Arnold, Matthew, 39, 40 Baldanza, Frank, 268n9 Balzac, Honore de, 69 Banta, Martha, 274nI6 Barth, John, 10; "The Literature of Exhaustion," 8; "Menelaid," 9 Barthelme, Donald, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15; "Falling Dog," II; "Henry James, Chief" (collage), 12; "The Indian Uprising," 12, 14; "Kierkegaard Unfair to Schlegel," 262nI7; "Presents," 9-12; Snow Whlle, 7, 8, 10, II Barthes, Roland, 18, 19, 120, 151, 222 Beardsley, Monroe C., 226, 227 Bennington, Geoff, 273nj Besant, Walter: "Fiction as One of the FIne Arts," 230-31, 233 Bewley, Marius, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47 Blackstone, William, 132-33 BleICh, David, 16, 224, 262nz7 Bloom, Harold, 24, 25, 47-56 passIm, 128, 148, 149, 238, 240 Booth, Wayne, 17, 262n27, 266n70 Borges, Jorge Luis, 8, 262nII Bradbury, Nicola, 272nz8 Bronte, EmIly, 18-19 Brooks, Cleanth, 274n8 Brooks, Peter, 188 Brooks, Van Wyck, 35, 39, 43 Brown, Homer Obed, 224 Brownson, Orestes, 86 Buitenhuis, Peter, 261nI Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 107, 109 Carroll, David, 158, 229, 235-37, 244 Chase, Richard, 40, 44, 45, 188 Cixous, Helene, 99 Clair, John, 134 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 19 Conrad, Joseph, 153, 157; Heart of Darkness, 182; "Henry James: An Appreciation," 2 70n38 Cowley, Malcolm, 18 Crane, Hart, 225 Culler, Jonathan, 227, 252 Daudet, Alphonse: L'Evangeltste, source for The BostonIans, 43 Deconstruction, 14, 23, 28, 121, 129, 130, 136, 156, 186, 187, 236, 256, 257 Deleuze, Gilles, 284n43 de Man, Paul, 7, 47, 273nI; Bltndness and InsIght, 216, 217; "The Epistemology of Metaphor," 2°9-1°, 215; "The Rhetoric of Temporality," 277n5; "Shelley Disfigured," 261n8 Derrida, Jacques, 9, 51, 55, 121, 122, 256, 270n37; "Differance," 208; Of Grammatology, 122; "The Parergon ," 205, 210; "Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences," 145 Dickens, Charles, 59, 67, 68, 70, 165 Faulkner, Wilham, 45, 144, 154 Felman, Shoshana, 129, 130, 139, 140, 142-44 passIm Feminism, 24, 25, 28, 86-118 passim, 150, 151, 154-56 passim, 190, 257, 269n22 Fetterley, Judith, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100 Feuillet, Octave, 185 Fields, James T., 61 Fish, Stanley, 17, 221, 224, 238, 251, 262n27 Flaubert, Gustave, 72 , 74, 191 Ford, Ford Madox, 36-37 Formalism, 69, 72, 82, 120, 143, 15354 , 156, 159-60, 175, 190-91, 221- 286 Index FormalIsm, (contznued) 22, 224-37 passim, 245, 249, 250-55 passzm. See also New Cnticism; Russian FormalIsm Foucault, MIchel, 161, 222 Freud, Sigmund, 24, 48, 83, III, 121, 124, 153, 199, 223-24, 240-41, 256; An Outlzne of Psycho-Analyszs, 110; ....Poet and Day-Dreaming," 247, 283n37; "Repression," 110; "The 'Uncanny,'" 254. See also PsychoanalysIs Frye, Northrop, 153, 273n7 Fuller, Margaret, 86 Gargano, James, 105-6 Gelley, Alexander, 205-6, 278nnI3, I4 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 15, 242, 243 Graff, Gerald, 7-15 passzm, 262nnII, IZ Greimas, A. ]., 151 Guattan, FelIx, 284n43 Hartman, Geoffrey, 17, 23, 262nz7 Hawthorne, NathanIel, 19, 25-26, 30, 36, 40-44 passzm, 58-62 passzm, 68-75 passzm, 86-87,91,95, III, 113-14, 244; The Blzthedale Rornance , 36, 42-43; The House of the Seven Gables, 18, 32; The Marble Faun, 36-37, 42, 45; "The MinIster's Black VeIl," III; The Scarlet Letter, 18, 32-34, 53-56, 101, 148, 223 Hegel, Georg WIlhelm Friednch, 17, 125, 145, 175-76, 208, 212, 249, 256, 273n7 Heidegger, Martin, 122-23, 256 Holland, Laurence B., 233, 269nz6 Holland, Norman, 153, 224 Howe, IrvIng, 46 Howells, WIlliam Dean, 45 Husser!, Edmund, 207, 226-27. See also Phenomenology Ibsen, Henrik, 88 Irigaray, Luce, 99 IrwIn, John T., 223 Iser, Wolfgang, 5, 153, 221-22, 224, 235, 238 James, Henry: The Ambassadors, 70, 123, 195, 197-201 passzm, 206; The Amencan, 64, 69, 105, 126-27, 238; The Amencan Scene, 12, 38-39, 9698 , 169, 202-4, 212-16 passim; ''Anthony Trollope," 59-83 passim; "The Art of FICtion," 70, 229-33 passzm; The Art of the Novel (see also prefaces to individual works), 236-41 passzm, 248, 249, 250, 283nz7; The Aspern Papers, 6, 86, 89, 101, 10418 passzm, 126, 148-50, 155-56, 180; The Awkward Age, 248, 250; "The Beast In the Jungle," 118, 195, 243, 249; The Bostonzans, 42, 43, 45, 46, 55, 86, 91-100 passzm, 101, 108, III, 149, 155, 234; Confidence, 234; ....Crapey CornelIa," 39; Dazsy M zller, 69, 73, 87, 200; "Emile Zola," 161; The Europeans, 234; French Poets and Novelzsts, 74; The Golden Bowl, 6, 45, 63, 64, 89, 123; "Greville Fane...
