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INDEX Abulgazi-Bagadur, khan of Khiva, 189n133, 199 and n161, 254, 256n2 Adams, John, 120nn2, 3, 126n, 130, 253m Adams, John Quincy: in Russia, 32; comments on L's journey, 42n16,259n Administration in Siberia: governors (voevodas ),58, 61; Catherine's ideas on, 59-60; divisions of, 157n45, 161 and nn; expenditures of, 168-69; L's opinion of, 175 Africa: L's trip to, 27-31, 253, 256, 257; L wishes to explore, 28-29, 167, 241; L's proposed itinerary for, 28, 29, 241, 244; mentioned, 139, 144, 176, 211, 238, 249, 250m6. See also Association for Promoting the Discovery of Africa Agriculture in Siberia: described, 64-65; among natives, 74-75; L's observations on, 143, 150, 163, 164; wind damage to, 149, 155 Ainus (Kurilians), tribe, 56 and n2, 161, 171 and nngl, g2, 182 Aklansk, Siberia, 161 and n66 Alaska: L's visit to, 3, 8, 52; Russians on coast of, 51-52, 66-67; mentioned, 15,44 281 Aleutian Islands: L on Unalaska Is., 7, 9, 10, 27, 38, 185--86; claimed by Russia, 51-52; furs shipped from, 67-68 Altai, Siberian region, 65, 70, 75 Altaic, ethnic group, 54 Alyutary (Aleuts), s6n2, 161 and n67,182 American Revolution: L first learns of, 12; influence of on L, 18, 106; knowledge of in Siberia, 129-30 Aruur River: Russian penetration to, 57; Russia cut off from, 70; mentioned , 220nlgg Anadyr, Gulf of, 19, 94, 95n3 Anadyr River, 215 and m8g Angara River: outlet of Baikal, 57, 130, 131n2, 160 and n60; origin of name, 155 and n38; L travels down, 160 Archangel, Russia, 157 and n46, 199n162 Arctic Ocean: rivers flowing into, 34, 151, 215; mentioned, 168, 171 and ng4, 219, 247 Arrest of Ledyard: ordered, 42-46, 208, 233; reasons for, 47-52, 200, 236; date of, 47; lamented by L, 196-97nl55, 208; deportation after, 197, 201n168, 238, 241, 243, 252-53; described by others, 282 Index 234-35, 256, 257, 260; mentioned , 25, 136 Artisans in Siberia, 67-69 Association for Promoting the Discovery of Mrica, 28-30, 83, 238, 242, 244, 248, 249, 250nn2, 6, 19 Astoria, trading post, 17-18,27 Atlasov, Vladimir V., 57 Aurora Borealis, 168 Australia (New Holland), 212 and nI86 Avacha Bay, 7, 35, 147 and nI4. See also Kamchatka Baffin Bay, 190 Baikal, Lake: L's excursion to, 24, 159-60; depth of, 34, 160 and nS9; Russian expansion to, 57; origin of name, 159 and nss; mentioned, 54, 70, 130, 153 and n30, 155, 157, 164,220 Baltic Sea, 224, 228 Bancroft, Dr. Edward: invests in Jones-Ledyard venture, 16; described , 225n207; observations on Guiana natives, 225-26 Banister, John, 126, 127n Banks, Sir Joseph: as patron of Siberian journey, 20 and n3S, 25, 41, 42 and n1S, 115, 118, 240, 241, 242nn1, 3; L's letters to, 20n36, 238 and n1; sponsors Mrican journey, 27-28, 30, 82, 241, 249, 250n6; letter from Pallas to, 140-41; mentioned, 31n48, 110, 239, 251n19 Baraba Steppe, 24, 204 and nI77 Barclay, Thomas, 96, 115, 116ns, 122, 128 Barclay, Mrs. Thomas, 96 Barguzinsk, Siberia, 161 and n68 Barnaul (Barnowl), Siberia: L's journey to, 23, 24, 127, 143-44; mines around, 65, 70; L's correspondence from, 127-28, 136; L's stay in, 146-48 Barrett, Nathaniel, 95, 97n2 Baths, Russian: in Siberia, 169, 174; prepared for L, 203 Beaufoy, Henry: account of L in Russia, 23, 240-41; sponsors Mrican journey, 28, 29, 30, 80-81, 241, 249; mentioned, 23n39, 31, 242n2, 251n19 Beaufoy transcript of journal: history of and coverage, 84-85; editing of, 86, 87; presented in text, 172-232, probable transcriber of, 85 and n6, 196nlS2 Beaumarchais, Pierre Caron de, 103, l07nS, 207n181 Beggars: in Siberia, 150; in Poland, 211 Belle Isle, Strait of, 221, 222n203 Ben-ammi ("Benanite"), 196 and nIS2 Beniowski (Benyovski), Count Maurycy A., 11, 49-50 Bering, Vitus: acknowledged by Cook, 8; expedition of, 52, 57, 199n162; ships of, 129n2 Bering Strait: Cook sails through, 8; Cochrane to cross, 35; existence proven, 53, 58 Berlin, Germany, 19, 58nS, 94 Bezborodko, A. A., 51-52, 125n3 Billings, Capt. Joseph: background, 23; travels to Irkutsk with L, 23, 24, 46, 49n26, 234, 236; in Yakutsk , 24, 25n40, 80, 186-87; tests coldness of air, 189, 193, 248; at Kolyma R., 216, 217, 221, 222; mentioned, 47, 48,58, 98, 189 and n133, 190, 191-92, 235, 237,240,250nI3 Billings expedition: L regarded as member of, 44n18...
