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TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS A adjective gram. grammatical pI plural abo about gymn. gymnastics Pin place name adj. adjectival hist. historical Pn pronoun admin. administrative hort. horticultural po possessive (case) adv. adverbial hum. humorous poet. poetic agr. agricuJtural I interjection pol. political anat. anatomical if indefinite pop. popular (tolkellg) anlhro. anthropological imp imperative (pop.) slang (American) approx. approximately indet. indefinite pos positive arch. architectural info infinitive poss. possessive archeol. archeological ip imperative pp perfect participle Art article IPA International Phonetic pr present (tense) astron. astronomical Alphabet tiep• preposition Av adverb journ. journalistic rn proper name bibl. biblical jur. legal pron. pronoun bioI. biological lit. literally prp present participle Bm BokmM lit. literary psych. psychological, bot. botanical m masculine psychiatric Bri/. British (English) masc. masculine pi past, preterite C conjunction math. mathematical pv passive carp. carpentry med. medical refl. reflexive cf see mere. mercantile sb subjective (case) chern. chemical meleor. meteorological sby somebody compo comparative mil. military sg singular conj. conjunctional mus. musical sp superlative cp comparative myth. mythological SP standard pronunciation cpd. compound N noun sth something def. definite naut. nautical sup. superlative derog. derogatory neg. negative tech. technological df definite Nn Nynorsk Ieleg. telegraphy dial. dialectal nt neuter theo. theological dipl. diplomatic Num numeral twp township eecl. ecclesiastical ob objective (case) typog. typographical eeon. economic obs. obsolete usu. usually edue. educational odon/. odontological V verb elee. electrical ON Old Norse (Norwegian) vet. veterinary eng. engineering opp. opposite wk weak esp. especially P preposition %001. zoological f feminine p. page fam. familiar pers. personal fern. feminine Pf prefix Note: for technical reasons some fig. figurative pharm. pharmacological words are abbreviated differentfolk . folklore philos. philosophical ly in the italicized grammatical lores/. forestry photog. photographic identifications after the entry geog. geographical phys. physics than they are in the rest of the qeo/. geological physiol. phYSiological text. ...
