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kyrkjelyd Ok,...'kje/ly4 -en congregation, parishIoners . ok,...'kje/songar -en cf kirke/sanger°k)'J"kje/stol -en cf kirke/ okyr'kne V -a become stopped up in the throat, have difficulty in swallowing . ky'r/lag -el I head, cow as statistical unit. 'lobs. cow as unit of value. Okyrr' A kyrl quiet, still: Olav IK-e (king) Olav the Quiet (l067-93).°kyr'tel -elen, pI -Iar cf kjortel°ky'o pr of kjooe ky'se' -a bonnet, (woman's) hood. +ky'se' V -Ie archaic frighten, scare (bort away, "ff). ky'se/hatt -en poke bonnet. +kys'k A chaste, virtuous. +kys'k/het -en chastity, vlrtuousness. kys.' -el/'-en kiss. kyo'se V -a/+-el/+-Ie/okysle kiss: k- P:\ fingeren til en blow, throw sby a kiss; pop. kys. meg bak (imorgen) go to hell. ky.'t -en coast, shore. kyo't/bat -en coastal steamer.°kyo'te pi of kys.e kys't/lart -en coastal navigation, traffic. kys'tjlinje -a/+-en coastline, shoreline. kys't/vakt -a/+-en coast guard. ky't -el fam. boasting, bragging.°ky'tar -en boaster, braggart. ky'te V -Ie I boast, brag. '2 complain : del vii alltid klage og k- they are always complaining (Aasen).°ky't/o'rr,l pI I boasting, bragging. 2 chiding, scolding. Oky've V -de bend down, hang. kIf' -en I line, queue: stille seg i kform a line, queue up; sta i k- stand in line. 2 (billiard) cue. 3 bustle (on dress). K"benhavn [kjobenhav'n] Pin Copenhagen . +kobenhavner [kjobenhav'ner] -en, pi -e (='oar) Copenhagener. +ko'/dannelse -n forming a line, queuing up. ko'e V -a/+-el form a line, queue up.°k,,'1 -el cf kol ko!,le -a/+-en I club, mace; (golf) cluh; (croquet) mallet; (hockey) stick; (police) nightstick. 2 naul. L I' tel'] -en (letter) L, I. 12 =liter 1.=lengde +Ia" -el cf lad la" N mus. la. la" V +-r/*Iel, +lol/'lel, +-II/o-Ie/'-Ii (=Iate') I allow, let: la en fA noe give sby sth (Ia meg fa et glass vin, takk please give me a glass of wine); la en fA (glore noe) let sby (do sth); la ga at granting that (Ia gB! all right!); la meg se let me see; la oss spise nA let's eat now. 2 leave (in a given condition): la bli igjen leave behind; la bli (vlEre) a refrain from, not do (5th), stop; la det bli (vrere) med det leave it at that; la en (va:re) i Ired leave sby alone (Ia meg vrere leave me alone); la (dllra) sta apen leave (the door) open; det lar ingenting tilbake A "nske it leaves nothing to be desired. 3 cause to be, have (done): la bygge et hus have a house built; la en kalle have sby calIed; la vente pa seg delay, keep sby waiting. 4 late: appear, seem; make believe, pretend: late som (som om) pretend, simulate; late som Ingenting pretend to be ignorant of a situation; late til (a) 236 (caulking) mallet. 3 bol., %001. carina. Kol'n Pin Cologne. k"penickia'de -n bamboozling, swindle (ref. to farcical seizure of power by unauthorized personnel, as in 1906 by a German tailor in Kopenick).°k"r'j -a cf korg koy' -a (=k"ye') berth, bunk: holde k-a lie, stay in bed; ga til k-s go to bed. k"y'e' -a cf key k"y'e' V -a/+-et (also: k- seg) go to bed, turn in. k"y'(e)/plass -en berth. 'byne [kjlly'ne] -a boil; pimple. 'byr [kjoy'r] -enl-el cf kjllr • k"yrar [kjoy'rar] -en cf kjorer 'koyre [kjoy'rej V -de cf kj"re • k"yre/doning -a/-en cf kjorel 'koyre/kar -en cf kjore/ 'k"yre/veg -en cf kjorel Ok"yrole [kjoy'rslej -a cf kjll..el k"yte [kjlly'te] -a I hut, (fishing, hunting) shelter. 2 puddle; pond. 3 pop. woman tramp. okA' V -dde spread, turn (bay). Ka'/fjo'r~ Pin I village, Finnmark. 2 twp, Troms. ka'k -en tam. house, living quarters: ha k- have the house to oneself. ka'l -en I cabbage. 2: gjore k- pt\ destroy, do away with; koke bort 1 k-en corne to nothing (e.g. of plans, preparations). U 'I/bla~ -et cabbage leaf. kA'I/hage -n cabbage patch. +k4'I/hode -el (=o/hovud) I head of cabhage...
