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Aalborg University, 5 actants, 10n4 actors, 10n4, 12. See also humans; nonhumans affectivity, 185–86, 189 Agamben, Giorgio, 180 agential realism, 170 AI. See artificial intelligence (AI) Alien (film), 145n2 aliveness, 170–71, 172, 180 alternative medicine, 55 Althusser, Louis, 24 Alton Bill, 26 Alzheimer’s disease, 120 androgens, 50 animal breeding, and IVF, 61–62, 69–76 anthropocentrism, 182, 189–90 anthropology, cultural, 18–20 anxiety, 58, 96, 108, 120, 147, 188 apparatuses, 173 Arctic Circle, 53 art, and medical visualization techniques, 140, 141 artificial intelligence (AI), 133 Assault on the Male (television series), 52 “As We May Think” (Bush), 115–16 authenticity: and culture of the copy, 99, 160; genetic engineering threat to, 95–96, 101, 108; and personal individualism, 187 Babbage, Charles, 115 Baird, Nicola, 56 bare life, 180 Barthes, Roland, 151 Bartlett, Dick, 81 becoming-woman of labor, 185 212 Beer, Gillian, 20–22 Being John Malkovich (film), 145n2 Bell, Gordon, 118–19, 125–26 Bernard, Claude, 47–48 biology: as accumulation strategy, 45; as bios, 177; computer science transformations of, 97, 98; transformation from scientific mystery to certainty of physics, 165–66 biosociality, 45 bios/zoe compound, 177–78, 182–84 biotourism, 140 Birke, Linda, 50 “bits of life” figures, 13–14 Blade Runner (film), 160 “blurring.” See superposition (entangled states) body-machine, 183 Body/Politics (Jacobus, Keller, and Shuttleworth ), 222 Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, 10 bovine embryology, 61–62, 69–76 Braidotti, Rosi, 14 The Bride of Frankenstein (film), 149 British cultural studies, 24–27 British Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 52 Bush, Vannevar, 115–16 Camera Obscura (journal), 22–23 cameras, digital, 122–23 cancers, 46, 55, 57 Canguilhem, Georges, 47 capitalism, 185 Capital (Marx), 24 Cartwright, Lisa, 22–23 Index cat experiments, 167, 168, 168–70 Catholicism, 34 Cattell, Emma, 56 cattle breeding, and IVF, 61–62, 69–76 cave metaphors, 142, 146n5, 146n9 Cavendish, Margaret, 31n4 The Cell (film), 134, 136 cell-nucleus transfer, 66–69, 67f Center for Cultural Studies (City University of New York), 16 The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (University of Birmingham), 24, 26 chemicals: endocrine-disrupting, 46, 47, 52–57; natural, 47. See also hormones children: cloning and clothing metaphors, 94; and DES, 51–52; environmental dangers to, 52, 53; gender roles and responsibility toward, 55–56; genetically-altered, 65–66; hormone treatments as medical interventions on, 50; parenthood issues and IVF, 64–65, 67, 68–69, 71–75. See also fetuses Churchland, Paul, 133, 134 cinematic deathbed flashbacks, 119–20 City University of New York, 16 classical humanism, 184 cloning: IVF procedures as, 78n11; science fiction films about, 99–109; and visual metaphors, 94–96, 100, 104–5 clothing, as artificial production of similarity, 94–95, 100, 104 co-constructions, 10 codes, 98–99, 101, 104–5 Cohen, Jacques, 77n8 Collins, Patricia Hill, 40 colonialism, 18 computational universe, 98–99, 104–5 conatus, 186, 189 connectivity, 158–59 constant flux, 54, 55 Contact (film), 145n2 copy, the culture of the, 99, 160 Cort, Julia, 81 INDEX ■ 213 Cronenberg, David, 145 cultural anthropology, 18–20 cultural divide, critique of the, 8 cultural imaginary, the, 11 cultural memory, 113–14, 121–26 cultural studies, 8–9, 10–11, 24–27 Cultural Studies (Grossberg, Nelson, and Treichler), 10, 16 cultural studies of technoscience: British, as route into, 24–27; cultural anthropology as route into, 18–20; definitions of, 16–17; feminist science fiction studies as route into, 27–28; as field of feminist cultural studies, 7f; label origins, 4; literary studies of science as route into, 20–22; overview of field, 10–11; visual culture studies as route into, 22–24 cyberfilms: cinematic plot patterns in, 129– 30; computer-brain analogies in, 134; as science fiction subgenre, 129; and screaming , 143; space imagery representations in, 136; tunnel imagery in, 130–35, 131, 132, 138 cybernetic organisms (cyborgs), 12–13, 45 cyberspace, 130, 142–43, 144. See also tunnel imagery cybertexts, 135, 151 “A Cyborg Manifesto” (Haraway), 13–14, 27 “Cyborgs and Cyberspace: Between Narration and Sociotechnical Reality” (research project), 5 cyborgs (cybernetic organisms), 12–13, 45 cytoplasm transfer, 65–66 Darwin, Charles, 21 Darwin’s Plots (Beer), 20–22 Dawkins, Richard, 89 death, 179, 181 deconstruction, 38, 159 Deleuze, Gilles, 181–82, 186–89, 190 DES (diethystilbestrol), 46, 51–52 The Description of the New World Called the Blazing World (Cavendish), 31n4 desire, 184–85 determinacy, 167, 170, 174n3; in nature of existence, 168 determinism, 84, 167–68...
