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27 Fake Immortals Throw Guanghua Temple into an Uproar Those trying to attain immortality, First take a lesson in morality: Eternal life is nothing but a myth; An immortal is he who has Good health, few worldly desires, And a pure heart open and frank. As the story goes, in the Song dynasty, there stood a Baoshan Temple by Puji Bridge in Hangzhou. Built in the Jiatai reign period [1201–05], it was also called Huaguang Temple and was dedicated to the Five Gods of Wuxian.1 Which five? First, the god of judiciousness, benevolence, and kindness; Second, the god of wisdom, righteousness, and harmony; Third, the god of integrity, sapience, and responsiveness; Fourth, the god of probity, love, and largesse; Fifth, the god of morality, trust, and joy. These five deities corresponding to the five phases are ‘most responsive to prayers.2 Some say they are none other than the Five Gods of Wutong, but that is not true.3 In the first year of the Shaoding reign period [1228–34], Prime Minister Zheng Qingzhi had the temple renovated and expanded until it looked absolutely magnificent. During the wars of the Yuan dynasty, the priests fled and went their separate ways, the walls of the temple crumbled, and the houses of the local inhabitants around the temple also fell into decay. In the first years of the Zhizheng reign period [1341–68], priests solicited donations for repairs to the temple and worship services resumed, but of this, no more need be said. Let us now concentrate our attention on a scholar named Wei Yu, who pursued his studies with his cousin Fu Daoqin in a small two-storied house in the vicinity of the temple. Mr. Wei was seventeen years of age and had the graceful deportment, gentle manners, and soft speech of a virgin. At every literary gather463 ing that he attended, his peers would make fun of him, calling him “Lady Wei.” His cheeks burning with the humiliation, he decided never to be seen at social functions again. He shut himself up on the second floor of the house and devoted himself to his studies, with Mr. Fu his only companion day in and day out. One day, Mr. Fu went home to take care of his sick mother, leaving Mr. Wei alone at his studies. At about the second watch of the night, a knock was heard at the door. Thinking it was his cousin, he opened the door and saw a gentleman wearing a silk hat and a yellow robe with blue sleeves and carrying a horse-tail whisk in his hand. With his graceful bearing and elegant beard flowing in a soft, fragrant breeze, he had the air of an immortal flying over the clouds. Behind him stood a young, refined-looking Daoist acolyte holding a vermilion box in his hands. The gentleman spoke up. “I am Lü Dongbin,4 also known as Chunyang [Pure Yang], and I am passing this place in my wanderings across the four seas. From up in the air, I heard your voice ringing clear when you were reading your text aloud. With your diligence, you will surely succeed in the civil service examinations. Moreover, you are fated to be an immortal. (Resorting to flattery because mortal beings have a weakness for it.) As I have a predestined bond with you, it is my duty to deliver you from this world. That’s why I pay you this visit, knowing you now live by yourself.” These words came as such a pleasant surprise to Wei that he promptly sank to his knees and bowed. Then, after inviting the immortal to sit facing south in the seat of honor, he sat down by one side. Lü Dongbin had the acolyte bring over a box and lay its contents on the table. Soon, the table was covered with fresh exotic fruits and delicacies from the mountains and the seas, the aromas of which assailed the nostrils. There also stood gold wine cups and a white jade flask less than three inches tall from which flowed an unending stream of wine the color of amber and with the taste of the finest cream. Dongbin said, “This spread of food and wine is for the consumption of immortals. You are allowed to enjoy it because you have a predestined bond with the world of the immortals.” By this time, Wei was in a trance, feeling as if he were in a...
