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INDEX Abington v. Schempp,  abortion, –, ,  activism,  adoption,  affirmative action, ; benefits of, for Hispanics in Houston, ; as an issue that unites African Americans and Hispanics, , , ; movements against, ;  referendum about, ; reevaluation of, – Aid for Families with Dependent Children (),  Allen, O. F.,  amnesty program (for undocumented immigrants),  apartheid,  Asians, , , ,  Austin, Texas,  bilingual education, , , , , . See also Spanish language Black/White binary,  Bottoms, the,  Bracero Program,  Brown, Lee P., , –,  Brown v. Board of Education,  Bush, George W., n.,  busing,  California, , , , , . See also Los Angeles Catholicism, , , ,  census, U.S.: , ; , ; , , ; , , , ; , xi, , , ,  Center for Mexican American Studies () (University of Houston),  Central Americans, ,  children: contributions of, to family income, ; racial attitudes of, as formed by parents, –, ; role of, in family, –,  Christianity,  citizenship, ,  civil rights, ; denial of, to Hispanics, , , , , ; for gays, ,  Civil Rights Act of , ,  civil rights movement, , , , ,  classism, – Collective Self-Esteem Scale, n. Colombians,  common group unity, –,  communism,  competition for resources, , , –, , , ; as a means of generating and maintaining stereotypes , –; as a source of conflict, –,  conflict, –, , ; between women of color, – crime, ,  criminal justice system, ,  Cubans, ,  cultural values. See values Deep South, ,  Democratic party, , , , ,  demographics, xi, xii, , , , , ,   Tseng 2002.9.13 08:50 6677 Mindiola / BLACK-BROWN RELATIONS AND STEREOTYPES / sheet 161 of 165 deportation,  Desegregation Act,  discrimination, , , , , , , ; against African Americans , , ; against Hispanics, , , , ; by Mexican Americans against other Hispanics, ; common experiences of, among Hispanics and African Americans, , , , –; defenses against, ; overcoming, ; protection against, for lesbians and gays, . See also prejudice, racism dropout rates, ,  education, , , , ; higher, – ; improving access to and quality of, , , ; lack of, among Hispanics, , ; lack of, in women of color, ; levels of, in survey respondents, . See also bilingual education; dropout rates; Houston Independent School District employment. See jobs English language, ,  English Only movement, ,  environmental hazards,  essentialist reasoning,  fear, , , ; as a component of race relations, , ; of African Americans by Hispanics, , , ; of Hispanics by African Americans, –,  family, –, , ; in Hispanic culture,  feminist approach, – food stamps,  Fort Bend County (Texas),  Fourth Ward,  Garifuna,  gay rights, –, ,  Georgia (state of), ,  Gore, Al,  government programs, ; inadequacy of, –; perception of favoritism in, –, , , ,  Guatemala,  guest worker program,  Harris County (Texas), , , . See also Houston Head Start program,  health care, –, , , ,  Honduras,  housing, –, , , . See also integration (residential) Houston, –, , , , , – ; affirmative action in, , ; city council, , ; impact of Hispanic immigration on, , –, , , , , , ; intergroup relations in, –, –, , ; politics in, –, , ; as a research setting, ,  Houston Area Survey, ,  Houston Independent School District (), , , –, ,  ‘‘Houston Proud,’’  identity, , – immigration, , , , , , , , , ; attitudes toward, ; impact of, on Houston, , , – , , –, , , , , , ; increase of, in Houston, xi, , ; limits on, ; policies, ; undocumented, – incest,  income, , , , , , – Independents (political), ,  index of dissimilarity,  infant mortality,  integration (residential),   • -    Tseng 2002.9.13 08:50 6677 Mindiola / BLACK-BROWN RELATIONS AND STEREOTYPES / sheet 162 of 165 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-20 05:14 GMT) interracial dating and marriage, , , , , – Jackson Lee, Sheila,  Jews,  Jim Crowism, –, , , ,  jobs, , , ; competition for, ; held by African Americans and Hispanics in Houston, , ; held by survey respondents, ; racial stereotypes associated with, , , . See also labor markets Jones High School,  ‘‘Juneteenth,’’  Klineberg, Stephen, ,  Ku Klux Klan,  labor markets, , , . See also jobs labor unions,  language, –, . See also English language; Spanish language Lanier, Bob, ,  Latin America, xiii, . See also Guatemala ; Honduras; Mexico law enforcement. See criminal justice system leadership, – League of United Latin American Citizens (), xii, , – Los Angeles, , ,  Maya,  mayoral elections (Houston), , –  McCarthyism, – media, xi, –, , , ; behaviors that attract the attention of, ; portrayal of African Americans in, ; Spanish-language, , ,  Metro bus system (Houston), ,  Mexicans and Mexican-origin people, , , , ; in Houston, , , , –, , ; terms for, xiv; as victims of discrimination, –,  Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (),  Mexican Revolution,  Mexico, , , ; government of, ; immigration from, xiii, ; Texas independence from,  migrant workers,  multiculturalism,  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (), ,  National Council of La Raza (), ,  national identification card, , ,  naturalization. See citizenship New Jersey,  occupations. See jobs parenting, – politics, , –, , ; advancement of African Americans and Hispanics in, xi, , , –, ; efficacy of, xiii, –; ethnic, –; and party identification, . See also Democratic party; Independents (political); mayoral elections; Republican party; state legislature power (in race relations), , , ; African American perceptions of Hispanic, , , ; Hispanic perceptions of African American, , , , , ; how children learn about,  poverty, , , ,  prayer in public schools, , , ,  pre-Colombian culture,  prejudice, , , , , , , ; Index •  Tseng 2002.9.13 08:50 6677 Mindiola / BLACK-BROWN RELATIONS AND STEREOTYPES / sheet 163 of 165 among Hispanics, against African Americans, , ; common experiences of, among African Americans and Hispanics, , – ; derivation of, ; perceptions about, , , , ; reducing, , . See also discrimination; racism Proposition  (California),  Protestantism,  public schools, . See also education ; Houston Independent School District public sector, ,  racial profiling,  racism, –, , ; awareness of, in African Americans, , common experiences of, among African Americans and Hispanics, , ; as discussed in history texts, – ; in language, ; and the media, ; and stereotypes, –. See also discrimination; prejudice radio. See media Rainbow...
