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G&S Typesetters PDF proof volume one 1. To Demonicus 2. To Nicocles 3. Nicocles 7. Areopagiticus 9. Evagoras 10. Encomium of Helen 11. Busiris 13. Against the Sophists 15. Antidosis 16. On the Team of Horses 17. Trapeziticus 18. Special Plea against Callimachus 19. Aegineticus 20. Against Lochites 21. Against Euthynus, without Witnesses volume two 4. Panegyricus 5. To Philip 6. Archidamus 8. On the Peace 12. Panathenaicus 14. Plataicus Epistle 1. To Dionysius Epistle 2. To Philip 1 Epistle 3. To Philip 2 THE WORKS OF ISOCRATES 00-T2896-FM 3/31/04 2:08 PM Page vii G&S Typesetters PDF proof Epistle 4. To Antipater Epistle 5. To Alexander Epistle 6. To the Children of Jason Epistle 7. To Timotheus Epistle 8. To the Rulers of the Mytileneans Epistle 9. To Archidamus viii isocrates ii 00-T2896-FM 3/31/04 2:08 PM Page viii ...
