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Index Acosta, José de (1539–1600), 114 –115; and amalgamation process, 58, 78–80; and classical sources, 115, 117–118; description of universe, 116; Historia natural y moral de las Indias, 103, 115; human changes and the universe, 117; imagination and reason, 119; mercury, discussion of, 78; natural history, collective enterprise, 7; peculiarities natural world, 117; personal experience and theory, 79, 103, 118; sources for his natural history, 114 –115; translations of his book, 132 Acosta, Martín de (pilot): report from, 87–88 Aflah, Jabir ibn, 33 Agriculture: pastel, 25–26; plants and trees, adaptation of, 24; products and the New World, 23, 25; saffron, 25–26 Alvarez, Raquel, 8 Alvarez de Toledo, Alonso (cosmographer ), 49 Amalgamation process. See technology America, 12 American identity: natural historians and physicians, 10 Animals: in New World, introduction of, 23; for observation, 110 Arabic traditions: and Spain, 6, 33 Argote de Molina, Gonzalo: museum, 122–123; and Philip II, 123 Arias de Benavides, Pedro (physician): herbs and medicines, circulation of, 122; herbs and medicines from the New World, uses by indigenous people, 91 Artisans: community of experts, 56–60, 79, 130; and empirical practices, 62; foreigners, 67; the New World and the crown, 25; scholars, interactions with, 8, 74 –80; status of, 58 Astronomy: Alfonsine tables, 6; Alfonso X el Sabio, 33; and Jews, 33; latitude, determination of, 33; Libros de astronom ía, 33 Atlantic World: and nature, research of, 3 Bacon, Francis (1561–1626), 11, 30, 102 Balsam: and Barreda, physician, 19–21; challenges to, 19, 21; classical sources, 15, 20; Santo Domingo, 13, 15 Barba, Alonso Alvaro (1569–after 1640): American issues, discussion of, 133 Barreros, Vicente (carpenter): and bilge pump, 63 206 experiencing nature Biringucci, Vannoccio (1480–ca. 1539): and amalgamation process, 69 Blas, Hernando (pilot), 49 Books: of Descriptions, 93–94; of nature , 101–127 Borough, Stephen (1525–1582; “chief pilot after the Spanish style”): Casa de la Contratación, visiting of, 5, 132 Cabot, Sebastian (ca. 1480–1557), 40; and curiosities, 121; and English merchants in Seville, 42; examination of pilots, 40; expedition to the Moluccas, 42; exile, 42; and Gutiérrez family, 44 Capitulación: information about New World, 83 Cárdenas, Juan (1563–ca. 1592; physician ), 58, 75; and amalgamation process, 75; American issues, discussion of, 133; and artisans, relationship with, 78; and experimentation, 76; theory about amalgamation, 77; Cárdenas, Juan de (explorer): and fishing rake, 60 Caro, Fray Juan (cosmographer), 45 Casa da India, 35 Casa de la Contratación: and Borough, Stephen, 5; cosmographers, 30; empirical practices, and England, 5; establishment of, 14, 35; and Hakluyt, Richard (ca. 1552–1616), 29; institutionalization of, 2; inspections, 42, 50, 84 –85; institutionalization of empirical practices, 28, 30, 31, 37, 128–129; and litigations, 42, 44; and personal experience, 30; professionals, hiring of, 8, 36; statutes, 42, 47, 92; structure of, 36; theory and practice, 30. See also Chamber of knowledge Castañeda, Juan de (physician): garden samples, and Clusius, Carolus, 122–127 Castillo, Bernardino del (entrepreneur): garden and circulation of seeds, 122 Catholic monarchs: and construction of roads, 58; Isabella (d. 1504) and Ferdinand (d. 1516), 4, 35, 37 Cesalpino, Andrea (1519–1603), 3 Chamber of Knowledge, 8, 28, 29, 35–55; as center of information, 30–31, 47– 48, 129; and chamber of government, 36; disputes between cosmographers and pilots, 48–55; and personal experience, 63. See also Casa de la Contratación, empirical practices Charles V (1500–1558): and artisans from Flanders, France, Germany and Italy, 58; and emergence of empirical practices, 5; and natural history, 105; and Spain, 3 Charts: and information, 83–84; as instruments of European expansion, 56; portolan, 36, 51, 53–54 Chaves, Alonso de, 42; chief pilot, 42; teaching theory of navigation and use of instruments, 45 Chaves, Jerónimo de (1523–1574; cosmographer ), 42, 46, 49; and chair of cosmography, 45– 46; collector of curiosities, 46, 123; instructions lectureship , 47; and Ortelius, Abraham, 131; Tratado de la sphera, 116, 131 Chief pilot. See pilots Circulation: of curiosities, 15–16, 122–126; of information, 1; of natural entities, 2; of personal information , 14 Classical traditions: and Aristotle, 3, 99; experience and the New World, 14, 99, 102–103; and medicine, 3; and Pliny, 3, 99, 111 Clusius, Carolus (1526–1609): contacts in Spain, 122–127; Spain, traveling in, 5, 122. See under Castañeda, Juan de; Tovar, Simón Collecting: and cosmographers, 46, 123; curiosities seekers, 120; entrepreneurs and physicians, 126; gardens and museums, 122–127; and...
