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Contents Acknowledgments vii foreword. Conversion and Gender, Two Contested Concepts Willy Jansen ix introduction. Gender and Conversion to Islam in the West Karin van Nieuwkerk 1 part one. contextualizing conversion chapter 1 The Quest for Peace in Submission: Reflections on the Journey of American Women Converts to Islam Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad 19 chapter 2 The Shaping of a Scandinavian “Islam”: Converts and Gender Equal Opportunity Anne Sofie Roald 48 chapter 3 Symbolizing Distance: Conversion to Islam in Germany and the United States Monika Wohlrab-Sahr 71 part two. discourses and narratives chapter 4 Gender, Conversion, and Islam: A Comparison of Online and Offline Conversion Narratives Karin van Nieuwkerk 95 chapter 5 The Shifting Significance of the Halal/Haram Frontier: Narratives on the Hijab and Other Issues Stefano Allievi 120 part three. trajectories and paradigms chapter 6 Female Conversion to Islam: The Sufi Paradigm Haifaa Jawad 153 chapter 7 African American Islam as an Expression of Converts’ Religious Faith and Nationalist Dreams and Ambitions Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons 172 chapter 8 Feminism and Conversion: Comparing British, Dutch, and South African Life Stories Margot Badran 192 part four. transmission and identity chapter 9 How Deborah Became Aisha: The Conversion Process and the Creation of Female Muslim Identity Nicole Bourque 233 chapter 10 Keeping the Faith: Convert Muslim Mothers and the Transmission of Female Muslim Identity in the West Marcia Hermansen 250 Notes on Contributors 276 Index 281 vi wo m e n e m b r a c i ng i s l a m ...
