In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Adams, Herbert Baxter, 50 Adams, Samuel, 133 African Americans: KKK and, 24, 25; migration of, 27; populism and, 91; racial hierarchy and, 53; violence against, 12; white nationalism and, 160, 161 agrarian myth, 84 –105, 123; citizen farmer and, 98; disillusionment and, 122; gender and, 96–97; Thomas Jefferson and, 98; westward expansion and, 97–98. See also farmers/farming agriculture: Aryan state and, 65; Richard Girnt Butler and, 65; Robert Mathews and, 78–79 Aho, James, 64, 129 Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, bombing of, x, 1, 145–146 American Agricultural Movement (AAM), 89, 115–116, 117; Posse Comitatus and, 117 “American character,” 56, 83, 84 American imperialism. See imperialism, American American independence: and millennialism , 45 American Independence Party, 94 American nationalism. See nationalism, American American Nazi Party, 41 American Party of Indiana, 94 American Renaissance, 160 American Republican Party, 15 American Revolution, 48, 49, 127 Anglican Church, 14 Anglo-Israelism. See British-Israelism Anglo-Saxons: democracy and, 49–50; dreams of, 99; Freemen and, 147; genealogy and, 48; ideology of, 46, 47; political institutions and, 48; Social Darwinism and, 50 anti-abortion movement, 129, 161–162 anti-Catholicism, 13, 24 anti-Masonic movement, 14 Anti-Saloon League, 29 anti-Semitism, 34, 68, 89, 90, 118, 147, 163; British-Israelism and, 7–8. See also Jewish international conspiracy; Jews Apocalypse: Cotton Mather and, 44; Freemen and, 148; as military/political concept, 44; paramilitary culture and, 61; Randy Weaver and, 135 apocalyptic millenarianism, 45, 129 Argersinger, Peter, 86 Arizona Patriots, 41 Armageddon, 10, 13, 41, 83 Arnold, Ron, 131 Aryan National Alliance, 70 Aryan Nations, 7, 35, 38, 62, 64 –72, 120; Christian Identity and, 7–8; code of conduct, 46, 66; demise of, 71–72; founding of, 7; gender and, 68–69; God and, 69–70; insignia of, 62, 73; Internet and, 163, 164; literature of, 41, 67, 71, 163; Robert Mathews and, 9; rhetoric of, 40, 69; rituals of, 73; September 11 and, 165; stockpiling and, 40; subchapters, 67; violence and, 70; white homeland and, 68–69 Aryan Nations compound (Hayden Lake, Idaho), 64 –68, 136; Aryan World ConIndex gress and, 137, 144; loss of, 70; Robert Mathews and, 81, 82; militias and, 134; rituals at, 73 Aryan World Congresses, 35–36, 66, 137, 144 Association for Constitutional Enforcement , 120 Athearn, Robert, 97, 98, 99 Atkins, Stephen, 154 auction protests. See under farmers/ farming Autry, Gene, 4 Baldwin, James, 47 Balogh, Brian, 60 Barr, William, 140 Beach, Henry Lamont “Mike,” 106 Beam, Louis R., Jr., 121, 140 Bederman, Gail, 54, 55 Berg, Alan, 9, 67, 68; murder of, 74, 80; opinions of, 79–80 Bergland, Robert, 116 Berlet, Chip, 93, 151, 162 Bertollini, Vincent, 70 Bible, 109, 110, 136 Birth of a Nation, 28 Black, Don, 161 Black’s Law Dictionary, 109 Blee, Kathleen, 1, 5, 6, 16, 17, 159 Branch Davidian compound, 1, 36, 128, 143. See also Waco (Texas) standoff Branch Davidians, 141–146; weapons and, 142 British-Israelism, 7–8, 51, 52, 65 Brown, Richard Maxwell, 19, 125 Brown Shirts, 33 Brown vs. Board of Education, 108 Bryan, William Jennings, 87–88 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), 36, 74, 80, 128; Freemen and, 147; Waco standoff and, 142–145 Bureau of Land Management, 38 Bush, George W., 154, 155 Butler, Richard Girnt, 35, 56, 57, 64 –72, 136, 166; agrarian society and, 65, 96; childhood, 64; civil suit against, 66, 70; gender and, 68–69, 81; and quest for white homeland, 67–68; rhetoric of, 40, 68 California, 7, 64, 80, 106 California Rangers, 105 “Calling Our Nation” (newsletter), 67 Carr, Greg, 65 Carr Foundation, 70 Carter, Jimmy, 58, 116 Carto, Willis, 94 –95 Catholicism, 14, 44 CAUSE Foundation, 150–151 Center for Democratic Renewal, 120 Chenoweth, Helen, 63 Cheshire, Robert, 120 Christian Defense League, 64 Christian Identity: Aryan Nations and, 64, 65; beliefs of, 8, 52; and BritishIsraelism , 51; evolution of, 51; Freemen and, 147; paramilitary culture and, 62; Patriot movement and, 125; Posse Comitatus and, 106, 108; success of, 52; survivalism and, 52; as white supremacist tool, 7–8, 13, 35, 46, 51, 94; Randy Weaver and, 137 Christian Nationalist Crusade, 52 Christian-Patriot Defense League (C-PDL), 126–127 Christian Patriot movement, 105, 129–130 Church of Jesus Christ, Christian, 64, 65, 77 Citizens Law Enforcement Research Committee (C.L.E.R.C), 106 Clark, Edwin, 149, 150 Clark, Emmett, 148, 149 Clark, Ralph, 148, 149 Clark, Richard, 149 Clarke, Edward Y., 29 Clawson, Mary Ann, 20 Clerkin, Donald, 68...
