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287 Index Abbott, James, 125 Acconia, xviii, 4n5, 12, 59n4, 74, 104, 123, 127, 131–132, 132n11, 175; architecture of site, 12–13, 47; ceramics of, 61 fig. 7.3, 62, 70, 77; chipped stone at, 90, 94–95, 96; polished stone at, 99–100; soil type of, 111 Aeolian islands. See Eolian Islands AGIP soil, 24, 27, 31 Ammerman, A. J., 4, 4n5, 12–13, 62, 73, 89, 92, 99–100, 104, 123, 127, 131, 197 archaeobotany, 175–188, 186 table 16.18; and stratigraphy , 176–179, 176–178 tables 16.3–16.6 argilla marnosa di Cutro, 16–17, 86, 145, 146–148, 146– 147 figs. 13.5–13.8, 148 fig. 13.11, 199 argille azzurre, 16, 145, 146–147. See also argilla marnosa di Cutro ash lens, 40 Atlantic climatic phase, 19, 20 bande rosse non marginate (red-painted fineware), 9, 9n11, 10, 12, 83, 139 Barker, G., 118 Bartosiewicz, László, 161 Basilicata, 135 bead artifacts, 111–112, 111 figs. 9.1–9.2 Bell-Beaker type vessel, xxii, 40, 84, 84n36, 85 fig. 7.21 Bökönyi, Sándor, 124 bone artifacts, 111, 112–113, 113 fig. 9.4, 189–196; Class I tools, 190, 196; Class II tools, 190, 196; metapodial tools, 194–195; raw materials, 189–190 bone remains, xvii, 120, 149–165; of birds, 122, 122n10, 124; of domestic vs. wild animals, 151, 154–155 table 14.4, 157, 158, 160, 164–165; of food sources, 153, 156–157, 156 table 14.5, 156 fig. 14.6, 158–161, 165; fragmentation of, 149, 149 fig. 14.1, 151; of marine vertebrates, 121, 121n9; small mammalian, 167–173; and stratigraphy, 150 table 14.1, 152 table 14.2. See also fauna, Neolithic Boreal climatic period, 19–20 Bova Marina, xviii, xx, 4n5, 13n25, 48n7, 59n4, 83n33, 95n8, 95n11, 112n3, 129n6, 132n11 Brea, Bernabó, xviii, 59, 83 Bronze Age, 40, 53, 121, 129–131, 132, 142, 149, 203– 204, 207; ceramic trends during, 3, 59; Early, 119; Mesopotamian, 114 Brückner, H., 20 Calabria, 1, 9, 11–12, 15 fig. 3.1; chronological outline of, 5–7; description of, 15; Neolithic excavations in, xix table I; Stentinello-style ceramics in, 59 campaniform vessel, 40, 84, 86 Capo Alfiere, xvi, xviii, 1–5, 1n1, 1 fig. 1.1, 2 fig. 1.3, 3 fig. 1.4, 12, 198, 204; architectural and structural features of, xxi, 43–57, 137–138; ceramics at, 59–87, 59n1, 59n4, 64 table 7.1; climate of, 17–18, 19–21; environmental changes in, 18–19; erosion of, 3–4; excavation of, 23–31, 34 table 5.1, 127–129; evidence of belief systems at, 87, 87n39, 138, 138n1, 139; flora and fauna of, 18, 20, 137, 161, 162 fig. 14.17, 163, 163 fig. 14.18; food production at, 23, 175; human effect on, 3–4, 20; modern status of, 31n6; prior research at, xvi, 23–24; site plans of, 25 figs. 4.4–4.5; soil of, 17; soundings at, 27 fig. 4.8; timeline of, xxi table II, xxii, xxiii table III; topography of, 16–17, 124 Capo Cimiti, 134 Capo Colonna, xvi, 16, 17, 17 fig. 3.3, 23, 127, 134, 148, 198, 204 Capo Rizzuto, 16, 17, 127, 134, 147 figs. 13.7–13.9, 148 Carter, Joseph Coleman, xvii, 204 Castellaro Vecchio, 9, 11, 11n20, 54, 54n11, 59, 60n5, 61, 74 Catanzaro, 1–2, 99 Catello di Bova, xviii Cavalier, xviii, 83 ceramic fabrics, 84; analysis of, 84–86; figulina, 9n12, 48, 53, 63nn12–13, 82–84, 86, 86n38, 139, 199, 201; impasto, 63, 63n12, 84, 85 fig. 7.20, 86, 129, 198–200; pseudo-figulina, 63, 63nn12–13, 83–84, 139, 197–200 ceramics, 9–10, 11, 24, 69, 139–140, 177, 197–201, 202 table 18.2; burnished, 6; cardial impressed, 9; ceramica meandrospiralica, 60n5; colors of, 66, 66–67 figs. 7.4–7.5; eye and face motifs, 77–78; impressed (ceramica impressa), simple, xviii, xx, 5, 6n5, 7, 9, 12, 62n9, 63; impressed, archaic, xvi, 12n24, 71, 73, 74, 74 fig. 7.8, 76, 160; impressed, complex, 63, 63n14, 71, 73–74, 73n25, 77, 77 fig. 7.10, 82; impressed, evolved, 12n24; microlithic, 7, 11; painted, xx, 6, 6n5, 9, 12n24, 59, 63, 83–84, 83–84 figs. 7.18–7.19, 197, 199; painted bichrome, xviii, 12, 54, 59, 62, 83; painted polychrome, xviii, 9, 59–60, 82–83; Ripoli trichrome, 6; scratched (graffito), 5–6; shape of...
