In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

contents a note on language ix acknowleDgments xi intRoDuction 1 Chapter 1 7 BeiRut: a city in tRansition Chapter 2 23 Downtown in “the ancient city of the futuRe” Chapter 3 51 ʿayn el-mReisse: the gloBal maRket anD the aPaRtment unit Chapter 4 69 “BeiRut is ouRs, not theiRs”: neighBoRhooD sites anD stRuggles in ʿayn el-mReisse Chapter 5 89 cafés, funeRals, anD the futuRe of coffee sPaces Chapter 6 107 Placing the waR-DisPlaceD Afterword 133 Reclaiming Downtown again viii ReconstRucting BeiRut notes 141 BiBliogRaPhy 151 inDex 167 ...
