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Page references in italics refer to figures; those followed by t refer to tables, by n, to notes with note number. abortion, and state of exception, 182 abortion debate Gadamer’s dialogic I-thou relation and, 302–4; and moral principles as culturally determined, 303–4 hardened opinions, causes of, 303 modeling of on literary interpretation, 298–99; and appreciation of moral principles as culturally determined, 303–4; benefits of, 306, 312–13; causes of differing interpretations, 298, 303–4; dialogic relation as goal of, 305–6, 313; and interpretation as foundation of all meaning, 311; and opening of dialogic questioning, 304–5; power struggles underlying debate and, 309–12; and relishing of differences in interpretation, 298–99; solidification of interpretations and, 306–9 partial birth abortions, 309 principle of liberty and: dialogic reevaluation of, 312; differing interpretations of, 297; as shared underlying value, 298 Roe v. Wade (1973), 305, 312–13 and sanctity of human life: dialogic reevaluation of, 312; differing interpretations of, 297–98; power struggles underlying conception of, 309–12; as shared underlying value, 298; solidification of U.S. cultural views on, 308–9 status system and, 283t, 287, 288, 290 accountability in deliberative democracy, 14 as standard for political discourse; broadening of interpretation of, 128; Politika Forum and, 128–29 ACLU v. Reno (1997), 117 action, appeal of vs. discourse, 59 ad hominem attacks, fallacy of respect and, 75–76 ad vercundiam fallacy, 76–77 advertising, and Sophist philosophy, modern relevance of, 40 Afghanistan War rhetoric and Afghan women’s right to speak, usurping of, 155, 162–65, 166 co-optation of feminist rhetoric in: concerns generated by, 165–66; in Norwegian rhetoric, 159–63; in U.S. rhetoric, 156–59 creation of doxic room in, 153 ordinary Afghans as objects of care in, 190, 192 Afghan people, marginalization of, 155–56 Afghan women limited gains from War, 161 privilege to speak for, usurping of, 155, 162–65, 166 transformation of into objects to be rescued, 155 views on War, 164 Aftenposten (newspaper), 106, 107 Agamben, Giorgio, on state of exception, 181–82, 191 Alexy, Robert, 280–81 Als, Roald, 256, 256–57, 259, 261 “Amateur Hour” (Hariman), 1 American Association for Adult Education, 52 American Medical Association, 310 American Mercury Presents: Meet the Press (radio program), 56 American Speaks, 59 American Town Meeting of the Air (radio program), 56 anaphora, and presence, 104 Anonymus Jamblichi (anon.), 32 antilepsis, 284t, 290–91 antilogía (antilogic), in Sophist philosophy, 36, 39 INDEX Antilogiai (Protagoras of Abdera), 35 Antiphon of Rhamnus as Athenian citizen, 33, 40 or function of rhetoric, 41 as sophist, 32 Tetralogies, 37 On Truth, 35–36, 38 Apel, K. O., 71 appeals to authority, validity of, 76–77 appraisal respect, vs. recognition respect, 77–78, 79–80 appropriateness (prépon), in sophistic rhetoric, 30, 31 Arendt, Hannah, 144–45 argument, extension of, as rhetorical protection measure in public discussion, 225–26 argumentation scholars, on debate vs. critical discussion, 88–89 argumentation theories, on respect, 71–75 Aristophanes, 32 Aristotle on civil deliberation, 1 on deliberation and democracy, 2 on epideictic rhetoric, 252 on phronesis, 176 Rhetoric, 39 on rhetoric, 29 On Sophistical Refutations, 28 on Sophists, 28 Asen, Robert, 6, 174, 177–78, 199 Association de l’industrie électrique du Québec (AIEQ), 211–12 Athens democracy in, 33 political instability in, 33 rules of debate in, 35 as Sophists’ home ground, 32–33 transition to literacy culture, 34 axiological consensus, 289 Bagnoli, Carla, 84 Bakhtin, Mikhail, on degrees of parody, 258 BAPE (Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement) hearings on Le Suroît electrical plant, 203, 206–12 Barthe, Yannick, 200–201, 215 behavioral norms for public places, and deliberation case study: audience use of rhetorical protection measures, 224–29; expert behavior in, 227–28, 229; format of discussion, 221–24; indirect establishment of alliances in, 228–29 importance of addressing norms, 219, 229–30 norms as inhibiting factor, 219–21 overcoming of norms, strategies for, 230 Behnke, Tom, 174 Bender, Courtney, 220 Benhabib, Seyla, 218 Benoit-Barné. Chantal, 175, 176–77, 179, 202 Berlin, Isaiah, 284t, 289 Bessette, J. M., 21 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), 146 Blair, D. M., 157 Blair, Tony on international law, needed reforms in, 189, 191, 192 on Iraq War, justifications for, 189, 192 on London bombings, 184, 186, 190 on Muslims, values of, 185 rhetorical efficiency, dwindling of, 193 speeches by, 194 and state of exception, 191–92; citizens role under, 190; critics’ demand for...
