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acid rain, 203–4 Afghanistan embassy bombings, U.S. retaliation after, 72 Soviet invasion of, 14–16, 76–78 U.S. war in, 47, 76, 211 agenda setting carrying capacity, 42 Ethiopian famine, 143–44 Persian Gulf Crisis, 82–84 problem definition stage, 19, 40–43 Agreed Framework. See North Korea AIDS, 32 al Qaeda, 72 Angola, 60, 72, 78–80 Annan, Kofi, 74 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, 62–63 apartheid, 26, 39, 44, 60, 62, 214 Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 75 arms control decision stages, 19 issue salience, 10, 25–27, 46, 51, 59, 67 non-crises, 16 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 78 preferences, public, 27 SALT, 26, 46, 60, 62 START, 26, 60, 62 attention, public. See issue salience Aziz, Tariq, 135 Baker, James congressional authorization for war, 132 diplomacy, 103–4, 133–35 economic sanctions, 105, 120 Operation Desert Storm, 135 UN ultimatum, 129 Band Aid, 179 Barrett, Mark, 75 beliefs model, 8, 19, 35 Biya, Paul, 38–39 Bolton, John, 151 n. 27, 152 Bonifas, Arthur, 75 Bono, 32 Boomtown Rats, 179 Bosnia, 19, 101, 209, 212 Brady, Nicholas, 84, 103–4 Bread for the World, 166 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 178, 182 Brokaw, Tom, 178 Brooke Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act, 193–94 bureaucracy, U.S. government carrying capacity, 42 deadlock, Ethiopian famine, 159–60, emergency food aid in Ethiopian famine, allocation process, 149–51, 165 issue salience, Ethiopian famine, 172, 174, 176, 181 standard operating procedures, 50 decision making, general, 7, 17, 26, 44, 50–51, 218 problem representation in Ethiopian famine, affect on, 154, 156 Bush, George H. W. See also Persian Gulf Crisis beliefs about public opinion, 35 Clean Air Act of 1990, 204 Haiti, 75 North Korea Nuclear weapons, 78 Panama invasion, 70 Rio Treaty, 1–2, 62–63 Bush, George W. ABM Treaty, 60, 62 Afghanistan, 76 Iraq War, 47, 53, 209–10, 215 Kyoto Protocol, 60, 64–66 Cambodia, 71, 211 Camp David Accords, 26 Canada, 203 Cantor, Mickey, 55 carrying capacity. See agenda setting Carter, Jimmy Carter Doctrine, 77, 119 Iran Hostage Crisis, 14–15, 71, 125 Mariel boatlift, 64–65 Panama Canal Treaty, 13, 15, 62 Shaba II, 74 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, 14–16, 76–77 USAID budget under, 170 Carter-Torrijos Treaty. See Panama Canal Treaty Castro, Fidel, 64 casualties air power, 101 public opinion, affect on during the Persian Gulf Crisis, 98–99, 109, 123–24 Persian Gulf Crisis: affect on choice for war, Index casualties (continued) 108–9, 135–36; affect on decision to end war, 139–40; Iraqi casualties, 110–11, 136; pre–war expectations of, 109, 115–16, 123–24 public support for war, general, 1, 27, 50–51, 95, 209–12, 229 Catholic Relief Services. See Ethiopian famine Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See Ethiopian famine and Persian Gulf Crisis Chamberlain, Neville, 104 Cheek, James, 195, 201 Cheney, Dick Bush’s decision to end war, 138 Bush’s handling of Desert Storm, 135–36 congressional authorization for war, 132 military options in the Persian Gulf Conflict, 101–2, 106, 110, 115 problem representation of Persian Gulf Conflict, 87–88 UN resolution on Iraq, 129 China earthquake 2008, 26 economic threat to the U.S., 46, 56 global warming, 49, 213 trade, U.S., 46, 60, 62–63 Clancy, Tom, 56 Clark Amendment, 80 Clean Air Act of 1990, 204 climate change. See global warming Clinton, Bill Cuba sanctions, 60, 62–63 embassy bombings, 72 Fay, Michael, 55 Gonzalez, Elian, 68 Haiti, 75 Kosovo, 1–2 Kyoto Protocol, 48–49, 60, 62–63, 213, 229 Lewinsky, Monica, 72 North Korea, 78 Operation Desert Fox, 72 Operation Desert Strike, 71–72 Somalia, 53 Clooney, George, 32 CNN, 129, 224 Coats, Stephen, 166 Columbia Pictures, 56 conditional responsiveness, 3, 8–10, 16–24, 28, 81, 204–7 Congress. See also Ethiopian famine, Persian Gulf Crisis carrying capacity, 42 food aid policy, 150 foreign policy making, 7–8, 17 Kyoto Protocol, 49 military force, authorization of, 26–27, 47, 50, 132–33 Connery, Sean, 56 constrained. See political context contested. See political context Copenhagen Accord. See global warming crisis and non-crisis foreign policies, 16–17. See also issue salience Cronkite, Walter, 63, 71 Crow, Sheryl, 32 Crowe, William, Jr., 120, 138 Cuba covert action, U.S., 214 Ethiopia, 151 Gonzalez, Elian, 67–68 Grenada, 70 Mariel boat lift, 64–65 Missile Crisis, 40–41 refugees, 41 sanctions, U.S., 60, 62–63 Zaire, 74 Damon, Matt, 32 Darfur, 32...
