In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

C O N T E N T S Preface vii Acknowledgments xi 1 Theory Without Modernity 1 Robert Hariman I. Conceptual Frameworks 2 Cicero and the Development of Prudential Practice at Rome 35 Robert W. Cape Jr. 3 After Virtù: Rhetoric, Prudence, and Moral Pluralism in Machiavelli 67 Eugene Garver 4 The “Enlightenment Project” Revisited: Common Sense as Prudence in the Philosophy of Thomas Reid 99 Peter J. Diamond II. Rhetorical Structures 5 Edmund Burke’s Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol and the Texture of Prudence 127 Stephen H. Browne 6 Idioms of Prudence in Three Antebellum Controversies: Revolution, Constitution, and Slavery 145 James Jasinski 7 Fanny Wright and the Enforcing of Prudence: Women, Propriety, and Transgression in Nineteenth-Century Public Oratory of the United States 189 Christine L. Oravec v III. Provisional Networks 8 Prudence as Republican Politics in American Popular Culture 229 John S. Nelson 9 Lyotard’s Postmodern Prudence 259 Maurice Charland 10 Prudence in the Twenty-First Century 287 Robert Hariman Contributors 323 Index 325 vi . Contents ...
