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The PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS University Park, Pennsylvania | “A one-of-a-kind book, a miracle to be grateful for and to treasure. Fox gives us a new and altogether more disturbing Revolution than we have been accustomed to reckon with. Sweet Land of Liberty may forever change the way we think of our national origins.” —michael zuckerman, University of Pennsylvania “Sweet Land of Liberty brings together biographical sketches of thirteen men and five women whose diverse experiences have been reconstructed on the basis of impressive archival research.” —charles g. steffen, The Journal of American History “For their beliefs, Moravians and Mennonites forfeited the right to vote, suffered harassment and beatings from neighbors and militiamen, faced draconian fines for their religious objections, and finally, watched as the judicial system confiscated their property and sold it at auction. In relating these moments, Fox artfully captures the pain and hypocrisy that existed on the darker side of liberty’s war.” —terry bouton, The William and Mary Quarterly “To come once again at the question of the morality of the American Revolution but from [the] unfamiliar perspective . . . of the Northampton residents, whose story Francis Fox opens up for the first time in his pathbreaking book—is to be reminded of the moral complexities that extraordinary times brought to the lives of ordinary people.” —mark noll, Books & Culture “Francis Fox writes an engaging and highly personalized account of the American Revolution in the Pennsylvania interior. And as his work makes clear, the Revo-lution was first and foremost a war, not about ideas, but about people, their personalities and ambitions, as well as their fears, resentments, and even hatreds.” —judith ridner, Pennsylvania History Northampton County Court House, Easton, erected in 1766. Photo courtesy Easton Area Public Library ,!7IA2H1-acagdb!:t;K;k;K;k ISBN 0-271-02063-6 a m e r i c a n h i s t o r y / r e v o l u t i o n a r y w a r ...
