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Index Acton, Harold, 13 Aelian, 136 agriculture, 116, 144 air quality, 125 Alberti, Leon Battista. See also related topics background, 6–10 lawsuits, 144, 226n38 perception preoccupation, 137–39 personality descriptions, 139 pseudonyms used by, 8, 137–38 recent scholarship on, 17–23 reputation in history, 4–6, 12–13 themes, overview, 188–91 writings of, overview, 8–9 Albertiana (journal), 18 Amphion, 181, 183–85 amphitheaters, 99 animal analogies, 131–41 ants, 132, 133, 134 Apologi centum (Alberti), 8 arches, 170 architects, 87–88 architecture animal analogies and, 136 beauty and rules of, 162–66, 170 history of, 163–64 nature’s relationship with, 174–77 origin of, 28–35 aristocrats, 71, 77, 88, 91, 95, 152. See also rulers Aristotle, 134, 135, 136 arsenals, 98 Athens (Greece), 13, 14 Augustine, 35–38, 100, 180 Augustus (emperor), 62 Barker, Sir Ernest, 13 Baron, Hans, 10–12, 57 Barzizza, Gasparino, 6 baths, 99 Baxandall, Michael, 179 beauty architectural rules and, 161–66 definitions, 161 elements of, 170–73 functions of, 157–60, 179–80, 194 importance of, 98, 156 music and, 180–87 nature and, 173–78 ornamentation compared to, 160–62 overview, 191 rhetoric and, 178–80 Beavis, Ian C., 133 bees, 132, 133, 134, 136 Begliomini, Aluffi, 200n57 Bernardino of Sienna, Fra, 69 Bernardo, Benedetto di, 7, 214n82 Bialostocki, Jan, 158, 159, 160 Bible, 47–48, 182, 224n27 Bisticci, Vespasiano da, 147 Bonatto, Bartolomeo, 66 Borgo, 80, 220–21n53 Borsi, Stefano, 19, 84 Boschetto, Luca, 19, 144 Bracciolini, Poggio, 28, 113 bridges, 99 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 167, 218n8 Bruni, Leonardo, 10, 57, 150–51 Burckhardt, Jacob, 5, 12, 111, 138 Burroughs, Charles, 62, 84, 86 butchers, 66, 67, 91 Caesar, Julius, 59 Caligula (emperor), 204n49 The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 91 Cardini, Roberto, 19 care, concept of, 115 Carrae (Egypt), 60–61, 93 Cassani, Alberto, 19, 54 Castel Sant’Angelo, 80 262 INDEX Castiglionchio, Lapo da, the Younger, 6, 67, 68, 70, 104 Castiglione del Lago, 79 cathedrals, 177–78 Cato, 116, 143 celebrations, 100 Century City (exhibition), 199n43 Certaldo, Paola da, 68–69 Certame Coronario, 8, 208n6 Charles V (king), 216n107 Charles VIII (king), 206n68 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 91 Chess of Love (Conty, attrib.), 184 Chigi, Agostino, 151 Choay, Françoise, 21 Christianity, 31–32, 35–36, 43, 44, 47–48, 180 Chrysoloras, Manuel, 27 churches, 157, 167. See also cathedrals Cicero class structure and commerce, 66, 67, 74–75, 104, 212–13n69 concinnitas, term usage, 172, 179 dignity, 195 land permanence, 224–25n27 Ciompi, 68, 153 circuses, 99 Circus Maximus ruins, 202n8 cities, overview. See also related topics Augustine’s view of origins of, 35–36 country versus, 106–8, 115–21, 122, 125–27 house comparisons, 88–89, 135 ideal, 3–4, 21–22, 86, 98–100 Latin words for, 13 as place of commodities, 111 suburbia in relation to, 150–51 cives primarii, 71, 88, 91, 95, 152 civitas, 13 classical antiquity agricultural themes, 116, 117 animal analogies, 132, 133–34, 135–36 as architectural influence, 12–13, 165 city planning and defensive strategies, 46 city versus country living themes, 106–7, 143 as literary influence, 23 as urban influence, 2 class structure. See also rulers aristocrats (cives primarii), 71, 77, 88, 91, 95, 152 foreigners, 93, 101 government and, 94–97 merchants, 72–77 occupation selection and status, 72–74 peasants, 144 plebes (common people), 58, 63–71 rebellions and revolutions due to, 65–66 relations within, 63–64, 104 relations within republican, 101–2 spatial system and, 88 vagabond (beggar) characters, 102–5 zoning and neighborhoods, 153 Cohn, Samuel Kline, 68, 153 collocatio, 171 commerce, 72–77, 109–13, 116–17, 189 commodities, 110–11 common people. See plebes concinnitas, 172, 179, 181, 186, 191–92 confectioners, 67 Conrad, Joseph, 195 construction, 39–42, 135–36 contemplation, 39, 146–48 Conty, Evart de, 184 cooks and cookery, 70–71, 91 cosmetics, 212–13n69 country character analysis and attitudes toward, 128–30 city versus, 106–8, 118–20, 125–27, 143 commerce and, 109–13 land and money, 113–15 language and rhetoric, 130–31 overview, 108–9 politics, 121–24 selfhood and, 115–21 transparency, 124–25 treatises on, 109 view of, 141–42 Crescenzi, Pietro de’, 144 The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance (Baron), 10–12 cryptography, 137 cupidenarius, 76 dampness, 39–40 Dante Alighieri, 59, 75, 234n123 Davanzati, Rinieri, 215n89 De architectura (Vitruvius), 2, 30–31, 39, 45 De avaritia (Poggio Bracciolini), 113 De civitate Dei (Augustine), 35–38, 180 De commodis...
