In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

249 The Accidental President of Brazil (Cardoso), 81–82 accountability, 178, 220 AD (Democratic Action, Venezuela), 39 Adenauer, Konrad, 170 After the Washington Consensus (Kuczynski and Williamson), 121 agriculture, 51–52, 62 Alberdi, Juan Bautista, 17 Alfonsín, Raúl, 145 Allende, Salvador, 34, 41, 83 Alliance for Progress, 111 Andean Pact, 67 Antigua, 137 APRA (American Popular Revolutionary Alliance), 26, 32, 33–34, 39 ARENA (Nationalist Republican Alliance, El Salvador), 154, 183 Argentina, 46, 183 authoritarianism in, 14, 38, 63, 112 democratic traditions in, 14, 16–17, 45 economic crises in, 116, 117, 120 ISI and, 55–56, 57, 58 nature of democracy in, 137, 217 neoliberal reforms in, 117, 132, 147 Perón regime in, 38, 56 populism in, 38, 40, 145, 150 Arias, Óscar, 158 Asian economy, 60–61 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 232 authoritarianism, 4, 14, 69, 86, 92, 143–44, 176 in Argentina, 14, 38, 63, 112 bureaucratic, 76, 78–79, 113, 172 capitalist development and, 77–78, 111–12 competitive, 138 exclusionary character of, 77, 78 INDEX authoritarianism (cont.) liberalism and, 19, 112, 152–53 in Mexico, 14, 138 modernization and, 75, 76–77, 78 popular opinion and, 131 populism and, 38–39 semidemocratic regimes and, 136–37 totalitarianism and, 89 in Uruguay, 78, 112 wave of, 2, 46–47, 74 Aylwin, Patricio, 97, 107 Bachelet, Michelle, 2, 157 Balmaceda, José Manuel, 17 “banana republics,” 18 Barbados, 137 Barrios, Justo Rufino, 18 Batista, Fulgencio, 4, 18 Bejarano, María, 140 Belgrano, Manuel, 13 Benavente, José Miguel, 197 Bernstein, Eduard, 31, 155–56 A Bias for Hope (Hirschman), 160 Bilbao, Francisco, 17 Birdsall, Nancy, 211, 212 Boeninger, Edgardo, 162 Bolívar, Simón, 13, 42, 181 Bolivia, 4, 46, 148, 149 economy of, 57, 116 under Morales, 150, 154 nature of democracy in, 137, 218 Bolivian Revolution, 4, 23–25 Botana, Natalio, 17 Bourbon Reforms, 52 Brady Plan, 115–16, 119 Brandt, Willy, 170 Brazil, 46, 52, 63, 82, 116, 189 under Collar, 117, 132, 147, 169 democratic traditions in, 13, 45 Estado Novo in, 26, 38–39, 56 industrialization in, 56, 68, 112 ISI and, 57, 58 under Lula, 157, 170 nature of democracy in, 137, 217 neoliberal reforms in, 117, 132, 147 patrimonialism in, 28–29 populism in, 36, 145 positivism in, 20, 21 Brennan, Geoffrey, 222 Bulmer-Thomas, Victor, 57, 60 Bulnes, Manuel, 17 Bunge, Alejandro, 55, 60 caciquismo, 43, 208, 224, 226 Cádiz Constitution, 12, 41, 43 Calderón, Armando, 154 Calderón, Felipe, 155 Calles, Plutarco Elías, 22 Canada, 52, 185, 200 capitalism democracy and, 104 liberal, 51, 53–54, 65 mercantile, 51, 53 Capitalist Development and Democracy (Rueschemeyer, Stephens, and Stephens), 104–5 Caracazo, 148 Cárdenas, Lázaro, 22, 33 Cardoso, Eliana, 62 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 50, 116, 156, 157 dependency theory of, 65–66, 79, 81–82, 143 Carey, John, 163–64, 165, 190 Carothers, Thomas, 96 Carranza, Venustiano, 22 Carrera, José Rafael, 14 Castañeda, Jorge, 155 Castro, Fidel, 155, 156 250 Index [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 03:40 GMT) Castro, Raúl, 155, 156 Castro, Sergio de, 117 Catholic Church, 13, 15, 25, 43, 92, 207 caudillismo, 13, 20, 43, 133, 224, 226 presidentialism and, 171, 174 Cavallo, Domingo, 117 Central America, 18, 47, 57 Central American Common Market, 67 centralism, 92 The Centralist Tradition in Latin America (Véliz), 92 Central Obrera Boliviana (COB), 24 Chasquetti, Daniel, 187–88 Chávez, Hugo, 8, 127–28, 149, 153–54, 186 delegative democracy under, 150–51 and Latin American left, 155, 158 neoliberalism critique by, 121, 123 checks and balances, 177, 179, 220 Cheibub, José Antonio, 174–76 Chicago Boys, 19, 49–50, 108, 112, 113, 117 Chile, 14, 155, 192 Allende government in, 34 Chicago Boys and, 19, 49–50, 108 coup of 1973 in, 71–72, 78, 81, 84, 113 democratic traditions in, 17–18, 45, 181, 189 democratic transition in, 46, 97, 122 ISI in, 54, 57, 58 nature of democracy in, 137, 217 neoliberalism in, 63, 111–13 revolution-reform debate in, 83, 112–13 social-democratic left in, 156, 157 Churchill, Winston, 170 Científicos, 19, 21, 23, 112 CIEPLAN, 49, 50, 208 Cipriano de Mosquera, Tomás, 15 citizens’ democracy, 227, 228 citizenship, 135–36, 221–22, 227–28, 230 civil society, 98, 104, 208, 209 clientelism, 29–31, 138–39, 174 coalitions, 58, 77, 170 parliamentarism and, 168, 170, 187 presidentialism and, 170, 187, 188, 229 Cold War, 85, 143...
