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Tables 1.1. Economic Indicators in Latin America, 1980–2004 38 2.1. Summary Statistics 55 2.2. Types of Reformers versus Types of Correlations between Reforms and Leftist Vote in Latin America 56 2.3. The Impact of Market Reforms, Economic Outcomes, and Political Variables on Share of the Vote for Leftist Parties in Latin America 57 2.4. The Impact of Market Reforms, Economic Outcomes, and Political Variables on Change in the Vote for Leftist Parties in Latin America 61 4.1. Vote Share in Uruguayan Presidential Elections, 1971–2004 (%) 90 4.2. Mean Ideology by Different Electorates in Uruguay, 1984–2004 93 5.1. Vote Determinants for Leftist Parties in Uruguay, 1984–2004 (a) 106 5.2. Vote Determinants for Leftist Parties in Uruguay, 1984–2004 (b) 111 5.3. Predicted Probabilities of Voting for Leftist Parties in 2004 Uruguayan Election Depending on Party Identification and Retrospective Egotropic Economic Assessments 115 xi 5.4. Predicted Probabilities of Voting for Leftist Parties in 2004 Uruguayan Election Depending on Risk Propensity and Sociotropic Economic Assessments 117 5.5. Vote Determinants for Leftist Parties in Brazil, 1989–2002 121 5.6. Predicted Probabilities of Voting for Leftist Parties in 2002 Brazilian Election Depending on Risk Propensity and Sociotropic Economic Assessments 129 5.7. Vote Determinants for Leftist Parties in Mexico, 1988–2000 135 5.8. Predicted Probabilities of Voting for Leftist Parties in 2000 Mexican Election Depending on Risk Propensity and Sociotropic Economic Assessments 143 5.9. Summary of Individual-Level Analysis Findings 145 6.1. “Untainted” Latin American Leftist Parties 152 A.1. Political Parties Unclassified in the Left-Right Dimension, 1980–2010 158 xii Tables ...
