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Hebrew Scriptures Genesis 1:27 146 3 88, 113, 213n.57 18 72 Leviticus 17:11 208n.47, 246n.25 Deuteronomy 14:8 208n.47 Job 1:1–5 152 Psalms 18 78 33:9 86 45 147 103 81 Hosea 2:18 246n.26 New Testament Matthew 5:3 153 6 41 6:22 86 11:15 86 13:45–46 156 25 25, 30, 56, 87, 220n.101 25:35 118 26:25 152 27:3 152 Mark 10 145 10:17–22 134 10:21 45, 208n.49 Luke 2:29–32 131 3:4–6 131 5:30–31 132 16 30, 66, 79, 87, 114, 117, 132, 155, 156, 163, 169, 220n.102 16:13–14 149 16:18–30 6, 93 16:19 67, 68 16:19–21 152 16:21 118 16:22 72, 152, 153, 155 16:29 156 18:30 232n.91 20:35–36 146 22:40–41 138 22:43 137 291 Index of Scriptural Passages KL 292 Index of Scriptural Passages John 1:38, 42, 50 124 2:1–11 124 3:19–21 124, 125 8:24 124, 125 Romans 12 24 12:4–5 37, 38 13 40 1 Corinthians 6:15 246n.27 7:26–31 147 7:32–35 146 8:13 246n.24 12:12 37 12:12–30 127 16:1–2 26 2 Corinthians 2:15 86 Galatians 3:28 25, 146 Ephesians 5 147 5:22–33 146 1 Timothy 2:9–10 68, 151 James 3:5 155 1 John 1:1 86 Revelation 3:17 129 ...
