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B I B L I O G R A P H Y Primary Sources (Raïssa Maritain) Maritain, Raïssa. Oeuvres complètes de Jacques et Raïssa Maritain. 17 vols. Frieburg: Éditions Universitaires, 1982–2000. Vols. 14 and 15. ———. Unpublished manuscripts, notes, and correspondence. Maritain Archives, Cercle d’Études Jacques et Raïssa Maritain, Kolbsheim, France. Note: Although Raïssa Maritain’s complete works are found in volumes 14 and 15 of Oeuvres complètes de Jacques et Raïssa Maritain, and I have primarily cited this edition in the notes, the following list provides as well details of her significant publications at their original appearance. English translations are listed directly after the French when available. For a complete, detailed bibliography of Maritain’s works, see OCJRM 15:855–930. Maritain, Raïssa. “André Gide.” Revue Dominicaine 51 (February 1945): 120–23. ———. L’ange de l’école: Vie de Saint Thomas d’Aquin racontée aux enfants. OCJRM 14:333–413. Originally published by Desclée de Brouwer (Paris, 1934). Translated by Julie Kernan as St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angel of the Schools (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1935). ———. “À propos du Christianisme de Henri Bergson.” OCJRM 14:1146. Originally published in Commonweal 33, no. 13 (January 17, 1941): 317–19. ———. Au creux du rocher: Poèmes. Paris: Alsatia, 1954. 251 ———. “Aux morts désespérés.” OCJRM 15:546. ———. Les aventures de la grâce. OCJRM 14:818–1083. Originally published in Les grandes amitiés. Les aventures de la grâce: Souvenirs (New York: Éditions de la Maison Française, 1944). Translated by Julie Kernan as Adventures in Grace (Sequel to We Have Been Friends Together) (New York: Longmans, 1945). ———. “Bergson.” OCJRM 14:1138–50. Originally published in Commonweal 34, no. 19 (August 29, 1941): 446–47. ———. “Chagall.” OCJRM 15:551–52. ———. Chagall ou l’orage enchanté. OCJRM 15:12–44. Originally published by Éditions des Trois Collines (Geneva, 1948). Updated and revised version of Raïssa Maritain, Marc Chagall (Éditions de la Maison Française, 1943). An excerpt translated by Judith Suther as “Marc Chagall ” in French-American Review 1, no. 1 (Winter 1976): 54–64. ———. “Comme on meurt.” OCJRM 15:621. Originally published in Portes d’horizon (Bethlehem, CT: Regina Laudis, 1952). ———. “Concerning Henri Bergson: A Letter from Dr. A. S. Oko and a Reply from Raïssa Maritain.” OCJRM 14:1138–50. Originally published in Commonweal 33, no. 20 (March 7, 1941): 492–94. ———. “La couronne d’épines.” OCJRM 15:544–45. Originally published in Vigile 1 (1931): 97–101. ———. “De la poésie comme expérience spirituelle.” OCJRM 15:710–15. Originally published as “La poésie comme expérience spirituelle” in Fontaine 19, no. 20 (March–April 1942): 22–25. Translated by Julie Kernan as “Poetry as Spiritual Experience” in Spirit: A Magazine of Poetry 9, no. 6 (January 1943): 181–83. ———. De ordinatione angelorum. Musical arrangement by Arthur Lourié to texts of Thomas Aquinas chosen by Raïssa Maritain. Thomist 5 (January 1943): 319–44. ———. “De profundis.” OCJRM 15:759. ———. “De quelques musiciens.” OCJRM 14:1117. ———. “De quelques-uns qui étaient jeunes en 1912.” Nova et Vetera 19, no. 4 (October–December 1944): 380–401. ——— [R.M., pseud.], trans. Des moeurs divines: Opuscule attribué à Saint Thomas d’Aquin. OCJRM 14:177–203. Originally published by Pouart (Paris, 1921). ———. “Deus excelsus terribilis.” OCJRM 15:625–31. Originally published in both French and English (translation by Emily Scarborough) in Commonweal 40, no. 24 (September 29, 1944): 563–66. ——— [R.M., pseud.], trans. Les dons du Saint-Esprit: Traité de Jean de SaintThomas . OCJRM 14:215–482. Translated from Latin to French with a 252 / Bibliography preface by Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Juvisy: Éditions du Cerf. Originally published as a series of articles in 1926–29. ———. “Du recueillement poétique.” OCJRM 14:1117. Originally published in Études Carmélitaines 22 (October–December 1937): 46–49. ———. “Ernest Psichari: 1911–1912.” Commonweal 42, no. 1 (April 20, 1945): 10, 12, 14. ——— [R.M., pseud.], ed. and trans. “Est-il pour nous ‘De la plus grand utilité de connaître les grâces dont nous sommes favorisés?’” OCJRM 14:1087–97. Originally published in La Vie Spirituelle 65, no. 11 (February 5, 1925). ———. Les grandes amitiés: Souvenirs. OCJRM 14:625–1085. Originally published by Éditions de la Maison Française (New York, 1941). Translated by Julie Kernan as We Have Been Friends Together (New York: Longmans, Green, 1942). ———. “Henri Bergson.” Commonweal 33, no. 13...
