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VARIABLE FEET Last night while you slept I ate the Rocky Road ice cream you hid from me under the bags of frozen vegetables in the freezer. The night was hot, and because I’m a diabetic, I couldn’t pass up the urge to walk back into the winter of our home. * This morning, while ravaging your favorite rose bushes with the weed wacker I borrowed from your father, Alfredo ran from his garage and stopped me. He grabbed the machine from my hands and yelled: What the hell’s wrong with you? He asked me if I was angry, and if so, this wasn’t the way to express it. He was just trying to be agoodneighbor,I suppose.Forgiveme,Ididn’tknow how to tell him. * I flattened your car’s tires with a steak knife. I drove it straight through the rubber with the musculature I’ve developed over the last ten months. Remember how many hours I spent in the garage lifting weights? The protein shakes? The pastas? Forgive me, I had to prove I was capable of stopping you from leaving us again. 101 ...
