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abbreviations Works by Thomas Aquinas: DEE De ente et essentia (On Being and Essence) DPN De principiis naturae (On the Principles of Nature) DSS De substantiis separatis (On Separated Substances [Angels]) In Sent Scriptum super libros Sententiarum (Commentary on the Sentences) QDA Quaestio disputata de anima (Disputed Question on the Soul) QDM Quaestiones disputatae de malo (Disputed Questions on Evil) QDP Quaestiones disputatae de potentia (Disputed Questions on Power) QDSC Quaestio disputatae de spiritualibus creaturis (Disputed Questions on Spiritual Creatures [Angels]) QDV Quaestiones disputatae de veritate (Disputed Questions on Truth) QDVC Quaestiones disputatae de virtutibus in communi (Disputed Questions on the Virtues in General) SCG Summa contra gentiles (Summary [of Christian Doctrine] Directed against Unbelievers) ST Summa theologiae (Summary of Theology) Note on ST references: The Summa theologiae, the most frequently cited work in these pages, consists of three main parts (I, II, III). Each part contains numbered questions with numbered subsections called articles. xv Articles include numbered objections to a thesis, a passage beginning “On the contrary” (in Latin, sed contra), a passage beginning “I reply that,” and specific numbered replies to the numbered objections. In the reference system employed here, “ST 3” refers to part I (the “a” in Ia is from Latin, prima), question 77, article 4, reply to objection 3. Part II of the Summa theologiae divides into two large sections, referred to as ST IaIIae (section I of Part II; in Latin, prima secundae) and ST IIaIIae (section II of Part II; in Latin, secunda secundae). “ST IIaIIae.124.5 reply and ad 2” refers to the passage “I reply that” and the specific reply to objection 2, in section II of Part II, question 124, article 5. xvi Abbreviations ...
