In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments The first author taught the material presented in this work in a seminar at New York University during the spring semester of 2013. We would like to thank the following participants in that seminar for their judgments, ideas about negation, and feedback on our material: Judy Bernstein, Frances Blanchette, Dylan Bumford, Paola Cépeda, Stephanie Harves, Inna Livitz, Neil Myler, Jason Ostrove, Linmin Zhang, and Vera Zu. The material on Horn clauses was presented by the first author at SUNY Stony Brook in March 2013. We thank the audience there for their helpful comments. The experience of writing this monograph has been vastly different from that of writing Collins and Postal 2012. While the background literature on imposters and pronominal agreement was nonexistent to rudimentary, the background literature on negative polarity items and Classical NEG Raising is vast and sophisticated. For this reason, we are indebted to those who have helped us along the way. We have benefited from discussions with and comments by Christina Behme, Vincent Homer, Larry Horn, Pierre Larrivée, Jacopo Romoli, Yohei Oseki, Andrew Radford, Haj Ross, Manfred Sailer, Pieter Seuren, and three anonymous MIT Press reviewers. We would like to express our appreciation to Anne Mark, whose copyediting has significantly improved the manuscript. We also thank Eve Tauss for preparing the index. ...
