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Index Action, 348–350, 453–471, 658. See also Enactive perception; Grounded time Akinetopsia (motion blindness), 159 Allman, Melissa J., 579–580, 637–653 Andersen, Holly, 25–42 Apparent motion (visual), 148–149, 186–188, 200, 218, 220–226, 228, 231, 271, 275–276, 316 Arstila, Valtteri, 233, 309–322, 431–452, 657–664 Attention, 9–10, 212–213, 298–299, 347–350, 389–391, 432–444, 483–484, 489–491, 508–512, 658–659 attentional sampling, 170–172, 188–189, 193, 250–251, 314, 316 foreperiod effect and temporal orientation, 438–440, 512, 563, 659 prior entry effect, 387–389, 434–435, 457, 462 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 525–526, 557–559, 563, 566–575, 581–586, 641, 643–644 Augustine, x, 1, 243, 309, 645 Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), 250, 525, 527, 557–559, 575–581, 585, 641–645 Bao, Yan, 241–262, 312–317 Bergson, Henri, 38, 163–164, 477 Binding cross-modal, 415, 417–418, 420, 423 feature, 199–200, 205–206, 209, 211–212 intentional, 273, 461–464, 468 temporal, 251, 273–274, 443, 642 Bisection, 324, 356, 368, 361–366, 369–370, 486–496, 532–533, 579, 607, 627–631 Borges, J.-L., 75 Brown, Thomas, 30, 33–34, 40 Buonomano, Dean V., 329–342, 482. See also State-dependent time keepers Busch, Niko A., 161–178, 315 Cartesian materialism, 219–220, 223–225 Channel coactivation, 389–390 Chronostasis, 348–350, 454, 464–470 Cinematic theory, 75–79, 81, 101–102, 142–147, 310 Circadian clock, 254, 327, 337–338, 507 Circadian effects, 254, 512, 530, 536–539, 543–545, 547–549 Clay, E. R. See Kelly, E. Robert Constructivist view, 218–235 Contextual effects, 292–293, 296–297, 361–365, 370, 469–471 Continuous vs. discrete processing, 161–172, 179–194, 512–513. See also Stream of consciousness, phenomenal continuity Critical interval (magic), 267–268, 270–271 Cutaneous rabbit, 148, 150–151, 200, 220–226, 231–233 Dainton, Barry, 101–137, 141, 148–152, 310–312, 315, 318, 513 666 Index Decision bias. See Response bias Delay lines, 199, 326, 332–333 Dennett, Daniel, 145–150, 217–235, 377 Depression, 254, 525, 529, 533–534, 547, 549 Derrida, Jacques, 83, 86–90 Descartes, René, 244, 453 Developmental disorders, 525–526, 557–586, 662 Droit-Volet, Sylvie, 477–506, 533–534, 540–541 Drug, 300–303, 325, 483, 575 abuse, 526, 530, 535–536, 599, 607–615 Dual klepsydra model, 508–509 Dyslexia, 525–526, 557–566, 580–581, 583–586 Electroencephalography (EEG), 161–172, 192, 314, 382, 389, 455, 530, 626–627 alpha rhythm, 164–167, 179–180, 190–193 event-related potential (ERP), 252, 433, 435, 439–440, 456, 564, 581 Emotion, 15, 301, 454, 477–497, 510–512, 515–516, 540–541 Emulation theory of representation, 217, 229–234. See also Grush, Rick Embodied time. See Grounded time Enactive perception, 80, 83–96, 96n. See also Grounded time Energy model of timing, 332–333, 350, 508 Extensionalism, 75, 79–81, 102–131, 149–152, 309–311, 317–319 Falter, Christine M., 529–598 Fraps, Thomas, 263–286, 319 Gallagher, Shaun, 83–99, 312 Grounded time, 454, 492–497, 507–517 Grush, Rick, 148, 154n, 217–8, 229–235 Hamilton, William, 30, 33–36 Helmholtz, Hermann von, 9, 144–145, 433 Henry, Michel, 83, 87–89 Hodgson, Shadworth Hollway, 30, 35–37, 40 Holcombe, Alex O., 179–198, 374, 315, 442 Homogeneity, 115–116, 118–119 Huntington’s disease, 641 Husserl, Edmund (1859–1938), 1–2, 36–37, 43–57, 61–74, 75, 77–79, 83–99, 129–130, 309, 316–217, 512–515 ego, constitution of, 55–57 intention and fulfillment, 50–51, 68 living present, 55, 69–72, 94–95 perceptual interpretation, 52, 64–67 primal impression (primal presentation), 46–47, 53, 66, 69–72, 78–79, 83–96, 129–130, 309–310, 515 protention, 2, 49–57, 67–72, 78–81, 85–96, 514–515, 517 retention (primary memory), 2, 19–20, 46–57, 68–72, 77–81, 83–96, 309–311, 319, 514–515 time diagram, 47–55, 66 Hypnosis, 527, 530, 534–535, 542, 547, 549, 621–634 Illusory motion reversal, 160, 168–170, 182–194, 199 Internal clock model, 288, 292, 332–333, 344, 348, 477–479, 482–484, 488–491, 638–640 James, William (1842–1910), 1–2, 3–24, 25–40, 75, 78–80, 144, 159–161, 163–164, 246, 310–312, 315, 490, 512, 642. See also Specious present; Stream of consciousness...
