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Appendix A: Major Groups of Living Organisms Source: Lynn Margulis and Michael J. Chapman, Kingdoms and Domains: An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth, fourth edition (Elsevier, 2010), second printing SUPERKINGDOM PROKARYA Origins not by symbiogenesis KINGDOM PROKARYOTAE (Bacteria, Monera, Prokarya) SUBKINGDOM (DOMAIN) ARCHAEA Division Mendosicutes (deficient-walled archaebacteria) Phylum B-1 Euryarchaeota methanogens and halophils Halobacter, Halococcus, Methanobacterium Phylum B-2 Crenarchaeota thermoacidophils Pyrobaculum, Pyrodictium, Sulfolobus, Thermoplasma SUBKINGDOM (DOMAIN) EUBACTERIA Division Gracilicutes (Gram-negative bacteria) Phylum B-3 Proteobacteria purple bacteria: phototrophs, heterotrophs Azotobacter, Escherichia, Nitrobacter Phylum B-4 Spirochaetae helical motile heterotrophs, periplasmic flagella Diplocalyx, Spirochaeta, Spirosymplokos Phylum B-5 Bacteroides-Saprospirae gliding fermenters, heterotrophs Bacteroides, Saprospira, Sporocytophaga Phylum B-6 Cyanobacteria oxygenic photoautotrophs Anabaena, Nostoc, Oscillatoria Phylum B-7 Chloroflexa gliding non-sulfur oxygen-tolerant photoautotrophs Chloroflexus, Heliothrix, Oscillochloris Phylum B-8 Chlorobia sulfur oxygen-intolerant photoautotrophs Chlorobium, Chlorochromatium, Chloronem 282 Appendix A Division Tenericutes (wall-less eubacteria) Phylum B-9 Aphragmabacteria no cell walls Acholeplasma, Ehrlichia, Mycoplasma, Wohlbachia Division Firmicutes (Gram-positive and protein-walled bacteria) Phylum B-10 Endospora low-G+C endospore-forming Grampositives and relatives Bacillus, Clostridium, Peptococcus Phylum B-11 Pirellulae proteinaceous wall-formers and relatives Chlamydia, Gemmata, Pirellula Phylum B-12 Actinobacteria fungoid multicellular Gram-positives and relatives Actinomyces, Frankia, Streptomyces Phylum B-13 Deinococci radiation- or heat-resistant Grampositives Deinococcus, Thermus Phylum B-14 Thermotogae thermophilic fermenters Aquifex, Fervidobacterium, Thermotoga SUPERKINGDOM EUKARYA Origins by symbiogenesis KINGDOM PROTOCTISTA Four modes: phyla whose members I. lack both undulipodia and meiotic sex II. lack undulipodia but have meiotic sexual life cycles III. have undulipodia but lack meiotic sexual life cycles IV. have undulipodia and meiotic sexual life cycles SUBKINGDOM (Division) AMITOCHONDRIA Phylum Pr-1 Archaeprotista (III) motile with no mitochondria Mastigamoeba, Pelomyxa, Staurojoenina, Trichonympha SUBKINGDOM (Division) AMOEBAMORPHA Phylum Pr-2 Rhizopoda (I) vahlkampfid amoebae, cellular slime molds Acrasia, Arcella, Dictyostelium, Mayorella Phylum Pr-3 Granuloreticulosa (IV) reticulomyxids, foraminifera, chlorarachnids Allogromia, Globigerina, Rotaliella Phylum Pr-4 Xenophyophora (I) barite skeleton deep sea protists Galatheammina, Psammetta, Reticulammina SUBKINGDOM (Division) ALVEOLATA Phylum Pr-5 Dinomastigota (IV) dinoflagellates Gonyaulax, Gymnodinium, Peridinium Phylum Pr-6 Ciliophora (IV) ciliates [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 04:37 GMT) Major Groups of Living Organisms 283 Gastrostyla, Paramecium, Tetrahymena Phylum Pr-7 Apicomplexa (IV) apicomplexan animal symbiotrophs Eimeria, Plasmodium, Toxoplasma SUBKINGDOM (Division) HETEROKONTA (Stramenopiles) Phylum Pr-8 Bicosoecida (III) small mastigotes, some form colonies Acronema, Caféteria, Pseudobodo Phylum Pr-9 Jakobida (III) bactivorous mastigotes. some loricate attached to sediment Histiona, Jakoba, Reclinomonas Phylum Pr-10 Proteromonadida (III) small mastigotes, intestinal in animals Karotomorpha, Proteromonas Phylum Pr-11 Kinetoplastida (III) kinetoplastids, most symbiotrophic mastigotes Bodo, Crithidia, Trypanosoma Phylum Pr-12 Euglenida (III) euglenids Colacium, Euglena, Peranema Phylum Pr-13 Hemimastigota (III) Gondwanaland mastigotes Hemimastix, Spironema Phylum Pr-14 Hyphochytriomycota (III) hyphochytrid water molds Anisolpidium, Hyphochytrium, Rhizidiomyces Phylum Pr-15 Chrysomonada (IV) chrysophytes, golden-yellow algae Chrysosphaerella, Ochromonas, Synura Phylum Pr-16 Xanthophyta (IV) yellow-green algae Botrydium, Ophiocytium, Vaucheria Phylum Pr-17 Phaeophyta (IV) brown algae Ascophyllum, Fucus, Macrocystis Phylum Pr-18 Bacillariophyta (IV) diatoms, silica tests Diploneis, Melosira, Thalassiosira Phylum Pr-19 Labyrinthulata (IV) slime nets and thraustochytrids Althornia, Aplanochytrium, Labyrinthula Phylum Pr-20 Plasmodiophora (IV) plasmodiophoran plant symbiotrophs Ligniera, Plasmodiophora, Sorodiscus Phylum Pr-21 Oomycota (IV) oomycete water molds (egg molds) 284 Appendix A Achlya, Phytophthora, Saprolegnia Phylum Pr-22 Amoebomastigota (III) amoebomastigotes Naegleria, Paratetramitus, Willaertia SUBKINGDOM (Division) ISOKONTA Phylum Pr-23 Myxomycota (IV) plasmodial slime molds Cercomonas, Echinostelium, Physarum. Stemonitis Phylum Pr-24 Pseudociliata (III) polyundulipodiated animal symbiotrophs Opalina, Stephanopogon, Zelleriella Phylum Pr-25 Haptomonada (III) haptophytes, coccolithophorids Emiliania, Phaeocystis, Prymnesium Phylum Pr-26 Cryptomonada (III) cryptomonads, cryptophytes Chilomonas, Cryptomonas, Cyathomonas, Nephroselmis Phylum Pr-27 Eustigmatophyta (III) eye-spot algae Chlorobotrys, Eustigmatos, Vischeria Phylum Pr-28 Chlorophyta (IV; green algae, plant ancestors) Acetabularia, Chlamydomonas, Volvox SUBKINGDOM (Division) AKONTA Phylum Pr-29 Haplospora (II) haplosporan animal symbiotrophs Haplosporidium, Minchinia, Urosporidium Phylum Pr-30 Paramyxa (I) cell-inside-cell marine animal symbiotrophs Marteilia, Paramarteilia, Paramyxa Phylum Pr-31 Actinopoda (II) ray animalcules; acantharia, heliozoa , radiolaria Acanthocystis, Clathrulina, Sticholonche Phylum Pr-32 Gamophyta (II) conjugating green algae Micrasterias, Mougeotia, Zygnema Phylum Pr-33 Rhodophyta (II) red algae Amphiroa, Bangia, Gracilaria, Porphyra SUBKINGDOM (Division) OPISTHOKONTA Phylum Pr-34 Blastocladiomycota (IV) polyzoosporic water molds Allomyces, Blastocladiella Phylum Pr-35 Chytridiomycota (IV; undulipodiated water molds, fungal ancestors) Monoblepharis, Neocallimastix, Polyphagus Phylum Pr-36 Choanomastigota (IV; collared protists, animal ancestors) Dermocystidium, Nuclearia, Salpingoeca [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 04:37...
