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Index Abram, David, 237 Action, 183–184, 185, 188, 191, 193, 195, 196–197, 199, 202, 229 political, 187, 188, 189, 191, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202 purposive, 22 virtuous, 103 Acton, Lord, 179 Agreement on Internal Trade (Canada), 144 Alexander, Richard, 84 Altruism, 84 Anaxagoras, 241, 243 Anaximander, 242–243, 244 Anderson, P. W., 258–259 Anthropocene, 8, 117–118 Antiparticles, 270 Apeiron, 244 Arche, 243–244 Archetype, 222–223, 226, 236 of the hero, 224 of the shadow, 224–226 Arendt, Hannah, 183–186, 187, 188, 189–191, 193, 196, 197–198, 199, 200, 201 Aristotle, 11, 73, 103, 136, 143, 171–173, 181, 192, 200, 217, 228, 247, 258, 259, 281 and ethical living, 74–75, 80–81, 90 and the habit theory of virtue, 228, 231 on political action, 196–198, 199 and practical wisdom, 67–71, 83, 86 Aswan High Dam, 99, 295 Autopoeisis, 246 Avatamsaka, 17, 288 B612 Foundation, 126 Beetles, 33 Benson, Ezra Taft, 25 Berlin, Isaiah, 194 Berman, Morris, 31 Bernard, Saint, 81 Berry, Wendell, 52, 55, 94, 107–108, 112, 244, 284 Bestand (“standing reserve”), 104 Bhagavad Gita, 169, 199 Bierce, Ambrose, 197 Bioaccumulation, 26 Biocides, 26 Biofuel, 100–101 Biological arms race, 123 Biomagnification, 26 Biophilia, 82, 235 Bioprospectors, 136 Bioserfs, 120 Biospheric bankruptcy, 158 Bismarck, Otto von, 194 Bodhisattva, 78 Bohm, David, 253–254, 266–267, 274 Bohr, Niels, 265, 312 324 Index Borlaug, Norman, 99 Boulding, Kenneth, 137, 148 Bradbury, Ray, 246 Brown, Lester, 132 Brown tree snake, 35–36 Buber, Martin, 1 Buddha, 310 Buddhism, 17, 77–78 Hua-yen, 17–18, 230, 245, 288 Burke, Edmund, 83, 158 Bush, George W., 46 Butterfly effect, 247, 251 Cane toads, 33 Capitalism, 164 Capra, Fritjof, 52, 55 Cardinal rule of realism, 85 Carson, Rachel, 23–24, 27, 28, 31, 54, 152 Cascade effect, 31, 32 Categorical imperative, 72–73, 75, 86 Cephalus, 63–64 Chaos theory, 247, 251 Chicxulub asteroid, 297 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 97, 294 Cicero, 192, 193 Clean Air Act, 97 Climate change, 138, 165 Coadaptations, 51 Cod, 40–41 Codependence, 235 Coevolution, 51–52 Coevolutionary frameworks, 51 Collective action problem, 182 Commoner, Barry, 54, 84, 95, 131 and the four laws of ecology, 156 Common pool resources, 136 Community, 19, 80, 95 biological, 172 biotic, 74, 77 dynamic, 68 ecological, 124 interdependent, 164 of life, 74 moral, 73 political, 172 Complex systems, 248–250, 275, 277–278 Cook, Francis, 78 Cooperation, 182 Copenhagen interpretation, 312 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 244, 271–272 Cost-benefit analysis, 153, 154–155 Creon, 171 Crick, Bernard, 173 Croesus of Lydia, King, 237 Crutzen, Paul J., 117, 118 Cryosphere, 43 Dahle, Oystein, 151 Daly, Herman, 147, 148, 152, 159, 160 Dark energy, 270–271 Dark matter, 270–271 Darwin, Charles, 51 Dawkins, Richard, 207 DDT (Dichloro-diphenyltrichloroethane ), 24–26 Debt, 158, 159 Democratic citizen, 176 Democratic peace theory, 175–176 Democratic regimes, 177 Democritus, 243 Deontological imperative, 73 Deontology, 71 Dewey, John, 161, 191, 218–220, 225, 231–232, 238, 278, 281 Dialectic inquiry, 62–63 Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 135–136 Discontinuity, 40 Discounting, 157–158, 159 Donne, John, 74 Double-slit experiment, 255–257, 272 Douglas, William O., 25 Dryzek, John, 157 Dunne, Joseph, 200 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 15:02 GMT) Index 325 Eckhardt, Meister, 125 Ecological citizenship, 30, 31 Ecological communities, 32 Ecology, 14, 135 cosmic, 18 laws of, 54 of the marketplace, 135 origins, 3 Economics, 15, 132, 133, 134–135 ecological, 146, 151 Ecopsychology, 235–237, 238, 239 Ecosophic awareness, 2, 3–4, 5, 49, 79, 129, 166, 183, 239, 275–276, 278, 280 Ecosophy, 62–63, 287 Ecosystem, 52, 172 Edinger, Edward, 275 Ehrlich, Paul, 51 Einstein, Albert, 261–262, 263, 264–265, 273, 275 Eisenhower, Dwight D.,133 Eliot, T. S., 277 Emergence, 257–258 Emergent behavior, 188 Emergent property, 258 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 89, 193 Empedocles, 243 Endangered Species Act (U.S.), 46 Enfantin, Barthélemy Prosper, 279 Enfolded universe, 266–267 Engels, Friedrich, 141, 195 Entanglement, 262 Environmental Defense Fund, 26 Environmental movement, 23, 26 Epimetheus, 93–94 Episteme, 103 EPR, 262, 263 Er, myth of, 65, 78 Erie Canal, 35 Ethanol, 100–101 Ethics, 14, 57, 60, 82 Buddhist, 78 duty-based, 71 of interdependence, 79, 83 lifeboat, 83, 86 European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), 268–269 Evans, Corky, 144 Externalities, 148–149 Externalizing, 149–150, 156 Exxon Valdez, 146 Federal predator extirpation campaign, 28–29 Feynman, Richard, 268 First law of...
