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Glossary of Institutions CONAFOR Comision Nacional Forestal: National Forestry Commission. EZLN Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional: Zapatista National Liberation Army, which launched a rebellion against the national government in Chiapas in 1994. FAPATUX Fabricas Papeleras de Tuxtepec: Tuxtepec Paper Factories. IEE Instituto Estatal de Ecología: State Institute of Ecology. INE Instituto Nacional de Ecología: National Institute of Ecology. INI Instituto Nacional Indigenista: National Indigenous Institute. Responsible for development of indigenous communities, founded in 1949. INIFAP Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias: National Institute for Research on Forestry, Agriculture, and Livestock. IRA Instituto de Reforma Agraria: Agrarian Reform Institute. Responsible for titling lands and ensuring the smooth administration of ejidos and comunidades. LEGEEPA Ley General de Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente: General Law of Environmental Protection and Ecological Equilibrium (1987). The first law to require an environmental impact analysis. NGO Non-Governmental Organization. NOM Norma Oficial Mexicana: Official Mexican Norm, the most enduring and authoritative of the regulations for controlling the environment . ODRENASIJ Organización para Defensa de los Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo Social de la Sierra de Juárez (Organization for Defense of xii Glossary of Institutions the Natural Resources and for the Social Development of the Sierra Juárez). PAN Partido Acción Nacional: National Action Party. Center right political party that came to power in 2000, replacing the PRI. PRD Partido de la Revolución Democrática: Party of the Democratic Revolution, a center left party. PROCYMAF Proyecto de Conservación y Manejo Forestal: Conservation and Sustainable Forest Use Project. PRI Partido Revolucionario Institucional. Institutional Revolutionary Party; remained in power from 1929 until 2000. PROCEDE A land titling program run by the Ministry of Agricultural Reform, active in 2000–2001 PRODEFOR Programa Nacional Forestal: National Forest Program: Federal forestry subsidy program, active during 1994–2001 PROFEPA Procuraduría Federal de Protección Ambiente: Office of the Federal Environmental Prosecutor. PRONARE Programa Nacional de Reforestación: National Reforestation Program. SAG Secretaría de Agricultura: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. SARH Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidraulicos: Ministry of Agriculture and Hydraulic Resources. SEDESOL Secretaría de Desarrollo Social: Secretariat of Social Development . SEMARNAP Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales y Pesca: Ministry of Environment Natural Resources and Fisheries (1992– 2001). SEMARNAT Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales: Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (2001–present). UCFAS Unidad Comunal Forestal y Agropecuaria y de Servicios: Community Forestry,Agriculture, and Services Unit—the organization responsible for managing Ixtlán’s forests. UNAM Mexican National Autonomous University. Until the 1980s, this was the preeminent educational institution in Mexico. ...
